Soon to warp out of here today to go to Richmond and see if I can get some more people who have fallen off the wagon, back to using the computer. Also, a couple are having severe problems. We have a number, most of which seem to be install issues. Oh well, packing up me laptop and all. Putting on my mental armor to deal with a couple of people who are way negative. Sad. Determined to get this fixed.
Archive for the ‘trucking’ Category
Life On de Road
Just a quick blog… I have been doing stuff on the road for a few weeks, something that will probably be explained later.
Anyway, our latest (mis)adventure consists of the dogs and I bring put out of service at a way station outside of Lavonia, Ga. A suspension part crapped out on the trailer and it will be morning before they can get it. I was almost out of hours, so it worked out. It did earn me my first overweight tix in my life 😮 however, it’s on the company they told me. 🙂
The guys working the scale were really nice and even gave me some ice for my cooler… I have a very favorable impression of the DOT guys here and they were also very helpful about who to get to come out and fix the trailer. Hope that happens quick, as I need to warp to Jessup. My biggest irritation is that my apu took a shit Sunday afternoon 🙁 and this truck will only idle for 20 mins. Uggh. The heat woke me up in the middle of the night just now… turned truck on to cool us down in here for a little while. Well let that go a couple cycles and it will stay cool for a few.
We did have a tornado warning right here for about an hour. The alarm on my cell phone sure wakes you up. 😮
I can say, in my freight-hauling “adventures” I have had the good fortune to meet some really nice people, and only a few “not-so-nice” ones… the South is a pretty cool place to travel. And I will also say, North Carolina has the best rest stops, followed by Georgia and then South Carolina (still, very nice). Virginia’s are hit and miss… the ones in I-81… meh! The Old Dominion’s rest areas on I-85 are much nicer though.
So, back to sleep in a sec… just felt a need to write something. Oh, and congrats to Will and Kate!! And to Britain.
I hate mixers.
Yes, I do. Like dump truck drivers and other constructoid drivers, mixer drivers have this ignorance to them. Showing up next to my housU.e at 7 am… Yeah, one can expect that, but leaving your piece of shit in reverse, so I have to listen to the frigging backup alarm for an hour?? Or occasionally revving up the motor (thus allowing me to discover you are one of those ignorant fucked without a muffler)… that’s plain annoying or worse.hackers like this, wonder why people hate my profession… just a lack of carrying about those around you. Straight pipes on a truck are just like on a Harley… rudeness on purpose. There’s a reason that construction drivers are at the bottom of the driving hierarchy… And yeah, they are. If course though, I consider those aholes in big kenworths, pulling a”covered wagon”to be right up there too. If you ever notice on the road, they’re the ones speeding, tailgating and in general, doing ignorant stuff on the road. Not all mind you, but most.
Anyway, I just want to thank this asshole for this morning’s fine beginning.
I Hate Drama Mamas
People just need to chill the fuck out. They worry about what everyone else does. Some, like a person not to be named, get all worked up over dumb things and semantics. We’ve all worked for bosses that demand respect. Hell, in my company, there are managers who think their title means something… they think they’re important and can mess w/ people’s lives. Of course, then they wonder why they have ultra-high turnover. Hell, even I have a hard itme finding drivers. I hold it together by the skin of my doo dads. Rob Peter to pay Paul… cover the run. One of my “children” constantly complains it’s because we don’t have health insurance, but that’s not all of it. Some say we have a “bad name” around here, but that too, is not all of it. Mainly, people don’t wanna work anymore. “What, work on weekends and holidays? Eff you.” Why the Gubment will give them years of unemployment. They’re entitled. Why should they? AND, w/ the driver shortage, it’s harder and harder. We can’t hire a lot of experienced people due to stuff that happened 10-20 years ago — NO SHIT!!! Pennsylvania is especially bad as they don’t take things off your record after the time unless you petition it off. I had a guy had two tickets in his car, back like in 2001?! And I couldn’t hire him because of those tickets… WTF? All because some lawyer might use it in court about hiring someone who HAD A TICKET 10 YEARS AGO 😮 Soon, they’re gonna have to pay us $50. an hour. Most of these companies try and weasel out by hiring new drivers and training them. Sure, go ahead. Of course, in a couple of our terminals, English IS the second language and guess what their record’s like. Sad. I think we have a good company, but a lot of management just doesn’t get the part about needing to learn about management… it ain’t something you just know. Oh well, ain’t my name in chrome letters on the door. Discouragement is my middle name today.
NCIS… sometimes, Fiction Can influence Real Life
NCIS is a great show and one of the most popular. It is great because you can just veg and they’re good stories… except where it’s supposed to be set in Northern Virginia… in the one in watching, is supposed to be Annandale, Virginia. Horse puckey! That’s my home time in Virginia. Anyway, they film in Cali, not NoVa, which is dumb — why not actually film in Virginia? Why not wankers? Typical hollyweird laziness. It would be so much cooler. Anyway, I digress…
Gibbs, the lead character of the show, played by Mark Harmon, has a set of rules he and his team use… I have found this to be a really useful idea.
Over the last year or so, Driver “X” and I have come up with some for my life and that apply to my drivers. I did Swipe some of Gibvs’ rules too… the ones after rule 13. So sue me, some apply.
strongMarsh’s Rules/strong
1. Get the Mail moving.
2. Never_assume.
3. Ask!
4. Don’t count on others.
5. Always CYA!
6.Always make sure.
7.Don’t wait to call with a problem.
8.Keep in touch.
9.Always have a screwdriver, pliers, crescent-wrench and a flashlight.
10.Don’t argue with the P.O. — call you manager.
11.Try common sense.
12.If you gotta ask, it’s probably “No!”
13.YOU are responsible for keeping track of your hours.
14.Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check.
15.Never be unreachable.
16.The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell
one other person – if you must. There is no third best.
17.You don’t waste good.
18.Never say “You’re Sorry.” It’s a sign of weakness.
19.Always be specific when you lie.
20.Never take anything for granted.
21.Never go anywhere without a knife.
22.When the job is done, walk away.
23.Never date a co-worker.
24.Never, ever involve a lawyer.
25.Always work as a team.
26.If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it.
27.It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
28.If you feel like you are being played, you probably are.
29.There is no such thing as coincidence.
30.If it seems someone is out to get you, they are.
31.Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you.
32.Clean up the mess that you make.
33.Sometimes – you’re wrong.
34.Never trust a woman who doesn’t trust her man.
35.You do what you have to do for family.
36.Don’t work the system when you can work the people
37.Never second guess yourself in a relationship and life.
Broken down in Madison
So, the truck that meets me out of Columbus craps yesterday. Losing power… Have driver go to T/A and they say turbo… Company head mechanic has him drive to P.O. and then freight this AM (freight, ick!)… Of course, he messes up and logs in too early: violation — D’OH! So, other guy brings me the Mail and I had brought him different tractor to switch out as they (mechs) wanted me to get truck to my shop or even our NJ shop 😮 OF COURSE, on the way back, the truck starts losing power and I am down to 30mph on I-70; no where to pull off. I call and as I get ye olde waffling, I make command decision to stop @ Gary’s truck repair. “Can’t you make it back to Willow Hill?” “Uh, NO!” Says I. “I CANNOT take this truck on the pike” if it were anyone else they might have ordered it… 3-4 beefy hills betwixt here and thar… HELL NO! This could have been fixed yesterday, but nooooooooooooooooo. So here I sit, undoubtedly not getting paid for a breakdown and other’s poor decisions.
Gonna be at least another hour before I leave, as this mech (who quickly diagnosed problem) has to run and get part. Ack. My poor dogs 🙁 Dat be some boolshit, dat be what dat be. Frak!
Wonderfully Sumtin’
So, I am missing a trailer — a nice newish MAIL trailer vs. a freight box. On a dedicated run when some Billy Bob rear ends it and bends the ICC bar. Orders come to get it to Kearny to go to main shop in Maryland… Of course, someone IGNORES el Jefé’s order and starts to use it on untermensch runs. And don’t ya know, it is now missing… We are searching ask post offices, but no trace. Also, it’s satellite tracker appears to have stopped working last march, D’oh! Where o’ where is my trailer? WHY did we wait so long to look for it? Knowing the P.O., they sent it on someone else’s run… Is it stolen? Maybe.
Still Sitting
Gonna be late tonight. 😮 ¡$?,/!$#@%/?!
Did I mention it was snowing today? fortunately not sticking and not really cold just a damp nastiness that sucks the warmth out of your bones and psyche. 🙁 So far, it’s been a decent winter w/little snow and not ass-reamingly cold. Few more weeks until Spring. Ah hates me Winter, ah does.
Ice, BS, Life (not neccesarily in that order)
So, we now haul freight on some runs. One of my former runs was a on-way Mail route (one of the P.O.’s grand “genius” ideas) and now, after many years, we are hauling freight back. NOT even my run anymore… And sure, I understand it. Makes sense, but alas, they (guys now managing it) have no one there and ends up, MY guys have to deliver it >:-( My one guy normally can do it, he likes it and the money (he’s ALL ABOUT MONEY), but on Mondays, he’s off. EVERYONE needs a day off. Everyone. My two relief drivers don’t want to do it because:
- They’re both over 70 years old
- The other day, my young driver had to unload furniture (not to happen again)
- They get paid differently than on Mail… less as they don’t get the health and welfare part that Mail pays.
- Did I say they were both over 70? 74 and 73…
Now, both of these older guys also don’t like each other and feud like my two dogs, wildly mad over some perceived insult or that one might get away with more than the other. What they don’t get is that this WILL happen and since they won’t help w/ the freight, then they WILL alternate on Sunday so my young driver can be off. Not a “maybe” or a “might” a “WILL DO.” Ya gotta love people.
Don’t get me wrong, these guys are both really good guys, hard workers etc. but they have this perception of the job and unfortunately, that job has changed 🙁 Not my fault, not my desire, but we have to deal w/ it. Still, their feuding is going to end up costing one or the other, their job. I don’t think they realize just how hard that will be. In today’s world, most companies will not hire older workers. My Dad had to deal w/ this after he retired. They don’t say it, but companies will not hire older workers. Age discrimination does exist. Here, we have them, they do a good job. Mainly because these runs are low intensity. I doubt it would work on one of my NJ runs at night, w/ a 3-4 hour layover. Those are rough on younger guys. I don’t have a solution, other than trying to explain to them. AND, if one quits, the other will have to take up the slack. What about when the younger guy goes on vacation?? SOMEONE will have to do the freight. Maybe rotate and do in AM other guy do Mail in afternoon, I don’t know.
Why Freight Hauling Sucks Shit
I detest freight. Delivery places treat drivers like shit “You’ll have to wait 4 hours” and shit like that. In our case, the answer is “We have a Mail run after this — if you won’t unload, we are leaving and you can reschedule your product another day.” Hasn’t quite come to that harsh an answer, but it’s there. All y’all wonder WHY there are so many truck accidents — this is part of it, shippers delaying drivers (most of whom get paid by the MILE, vs. by the hour) and the drivers trying to get caught up. Also, they not only don’t usually get paid while they’re cooling their heels at these places, they also are “on duty” which means they HAVE to log off 14 hours form the time they logged on, no matter how man hours they have driven, nor
even if they’ve had a 4 hour nap. No. 14 hours, off duty. Used to be you could take and push your time out w/ a break but stupid, dumb-ass politicians and lawyers and dumb mothers-against-truckers_driving or whatever screwed that up. Hell, get this: for teams, you used to be able to do 5 and 5 forever. Worked well — 5 hours and you were off. Guess what… NOW you have to drive 10-11 hours before that can happen. Pretty bright huh? These are the dumbshits that are causing accidents and killing people. Know-it-all (well, know-NOTHING) “experts” get it wrong EVERY time. They pass laws, then there are huge court cases over this. Why can’t there be any common sense? WHY? Anyway, this is why the industry is screwed. Worse than that because there is already a driver
shortage and it’s getting worse. Plus the new CSA system is weeding out scumbag drivers and there is no replacement. Young people are not coming into the industry. Old shitty, big, mongo freight hauling companies (whom I will not mention here) take new people and work the shit out of them, paying them peanuts to live on the road — not coming home, but MAYBE once a week, IF they are lucky. New people don’t want that — they want a life. Companies don’t care. Really, they act like they do, but the answer from “on-high” is “If they don’t like it here, get rid of ’em.” Sure. Where will we find another driver? This ain’t the ’80’s. The driver shortage is real and getting worse – good drivers can pick and choose and ya know what, they are increasingly picking not to drive for scumbag companies. C’est La Vie!
The Good News
Driver wages will surely go up as these companies will not be able to hire drivers to run stuff. Even w/ hiring new drivers, their accident rates will go up, as will maintenance costs. D’OH! I foresee a time not to far off where drivers will be making $50. an hour and owner operators, maybe $100. — well they should. Sure, your groceries will cost more. Got a better solution? Drivers deserve health benefits too. Cheating them on their pay is getting harder too with on-board log and monitoring computers (though they still find ways to do this) and someday, maybe trucking will be a decent profession again.
Yeah…. today, is freezing rain. Gott sei DANK it happened today, on my day off. What a mess. A kid spun out and got stuck right by my house. His buddies were trying to pull him out w/ an ATV, but that didn’t work. I wandered over looked and went and got Blue. They had a come along and w/ that, I had her in 4-lo and didn’t even gun it, just tightened up the cable and out he came. Peoples done wonders why ah gots me a foah wheel drives now. :-p
Trips Today and Saturday’s Unpleasantneß
I have one run out and going. I am sure they will salt the Pike and highways. The snow sure made things out of whack — mainly out in the Midwest. They were all WAY late the other night, then when it got rolling, there was a neat tanker accident right into Pennsyltuckey. Finally getting all those runs straight.
Anyway, here, to the left, is a radar from my phone a little bit ago. Sorry the text here touches the caption frame, but I couldn’t figure out how to rem that. Ever the A-R layout dork, I am! 🙁 So… it looks mainly just rain, so he’ll probably be alright. We hope. Now, I know, someone is going “But Marsh, you are an evyil, icky bastard to send out trips in this weather.” My answer is: “Doofus, ‘Through rain, through sleet, through dark of night’ AIN’T a marketing gimmick… it’s what we do.” How the HELL do you think you get your Mail on time? Fed Ex and “Buster Brown” (UPS) do it too. Don’t be naive.
Tech Thought
As a side note: ain’t technology grand? I love the weather radar on my phone and Weatherbug seems to do it really well. Okay, the ads kinda suck, but I have read their “pro” version is real buggy, so I will stay with this one. Koonta seems to like Weather Channel, but I haven’t had the joy with it.
Damn, it’s almost 2PM, where did my ONE day off this week go? I am not counting the day I had my tooth yanked as that was not particularly fun. Days off should be lounging around in the official uniform of the Internet (your underwear) and surfing or web building or facebooking or… whatever. Damn, wish I had money for a pizza (ha-HA, I could make ANOTHER driver go out in this weather).
T/A truck stops and WHY I hate them…
As a driver, over the years I have had to go to many truck stops… I remember the first T/A I went to, the one in Jessup, MD… It was a smelly shithole then, w/ rude employees and guess what? 25 years later it still is. It reeks of cigarettes and stinky, unwashed truck drivers to this day.
Today (this evening actually), I am stuck getting a tire fixed at the T/A in Breezewood, PA… When I went in there was a long line of mutanty and disgruntled drivers waiting to get crap fixed… One guy at the counter (of course) and a bunch of freaky-looking drivers wandering around the “trucker’s store.” And after I finally get to the window and get a shop door assignment, then I have to change doors and then go get more info… Then I’m sitting here and OF COURSE, they can’t repair the tire (6 out of 8 times at T/A when getting tires repaired)…
So, we sit… Ringing phones, dazed looking drivers. But now it’s done… Damned happy I don’t live on the road… Joy is filling me at the idea of leaving the truck stop. 🙂
I care too much.
I do. I care too much about my drivers. I look out for them because, well I feel that “leaders LEAD” and supervisors supervise. I KNOW for a FACT that if you look out for people and take care of them, they WILL (for the vast majority) in turn, look out for you. I know that my drivers are more than a number and lo, I try to let them know they are appreciated. I also try and look out for the company and take a dim view of those who would squander what we have. Alas, I think I am outnumbered there.
Anyway, I am done bloviating on work. I am too stressed out and it’s affecting my health… it has given me (years ago) high blood pressure and diabetes from the stress. A goodly part of that stress is looking out for my drivers, hence my stress. Anyway, away…
Personal Cell Phone
I got a new phone in the 2 year deal, and I WANTED an iPhone, but Verizon kept lying about it and my Blackberry was f-ing up constantly. Of COURSE, as soon as I bought a Samsung Fascinate, those pricks at Verizon came out w/ their iPhone deal. Wankers! No, I don’t want an ATT personal phone, I have one for work and the service BLOWS… “Less bars in more places.” Still, w/ Verizon, I can never forget they used to be the hated Bell Atlantic and before that, C&P Telephone. I DETESTED Bell Atlantic as they were wankers when they had a monopoly… when we got to choose, why, they were so nice then… Anyway, the phone is different and appears customizable. Will play w/ it and see.
A New High
I sure wish I could smoke weed. I need to calm down. Maybe I will try the Miley Cyrus route and try smoking cinnamon with a hookah… I can see it now… Safety/Authority type: “Mr. Wise, we have found traces of CINNAMON in your urine, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?” Me: “Uhh, I had a friggin’ bagel!?” LOL! That ought to throw a wrench in the bean counter’s works.
At de P.O.
So’s ah is in Frederick, MD at de PO… Awaitin’ on de checks. Now, as PO’s go, I like Frederick–its normal, the people are nice… Totally unlike most PO’s… SHIT! Our driver just came FLYING in here… Ack… Good thing he’s not one of mine…