Archive for the ‘reenacting’ Category

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A Great Author…


We all have our favourite authors — in sailing, it would have to be Lin and Larry Pardey or Hal Roth or Eric Hiscock. In reenacting, I am a fan of Mark Baker who writes about the colonial period and his search for the “Longhunter” or woodsman. He has a lot of fans due to his smooth writing style. He has a good way of saying things… the words just roll off the page. He has certain ways that he does things. And he has a lot of people, like myself, who enjoy his writings. No, I don’t want to go out and do a period trek myself. I like the woods, but period camping is not so much my thing. To each his own. I like to shoot black powder and Mark’s articles on how to do things like they did back then are very interesting.

I was looking for something about Mark’s videos (yes, he has some) and ran accross some Mark-hate. I had forgotten about that. A few years ago, I had seen a lot of snarky comments on some muzzleloading websites. As I read them again, it struck me that some people are just wankers. Mainly it’s sour grapes, but often, its a backlash against something that is “too popular.” I’ve never understood that — I remember back in the day when everyone had an Oakley (sunglasses) sticker on their car and I saw some inbred (yes, truly) with a home-made “Oakleys suck!” sign on his raggedy-ass car. I remember thinking “No, they aren’t — dumbass!” — same kinda thing. A lot of these guys get mad at all the people who follow Mark Baker’s methods… now, he says himself that he doesn’t know everything and he does shoot for the most “common impression,” yet too many people of the doofus class have to strike out against those who have actually DONE something in their life. Maybe that’s it. Probably.

No matter what, Mark seems to try and help people and this drive, to me, makes him a true teacher and mentor. Again, this strikes jealousy in many.

So, if you want to learn about the common longhunter of the 18th century and how to emulate his life, you can’t go wrong reading Mark Baker’s books and/or watch his videos. BTW, you can buy his videos from American Pioneer Video at… You can buy his books in my bookstore on reenactor.Net here: reenactor.Net’s Frontier Area Bookstore and Reading list. 🙂

I’ll stop now before I start getting hate mail (which, btw, is often entertaining).

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Crappy Week…


Crap at work ALL week. Just bad. Bad people, bad decisions. (not really by me, but others who should know better). And then, a couple of my more, how shall I say this, “troubled members” decided to leave and so gave “notice.” Cool! Last du nicht die Tür in den Arsch kneifen!!! I sure wish I had the personnel to just cut them loose right Effing now. I especially liked the constantly complaining old one who said “two weeks” notice but is really giving me one. Or the younger new guy who thought that all the older, more senior guys should “give up days” for HIM, so that he’ll get more hours?!? What an idiot. And, since most of the drivers really did not like the old bitching one (who tells the same stories all the time, but w/ different endings each time “I was in a gunfight with a guy. He had a brick of .22 shells and I had my .357 with 13 clips… I had had it re-rifled…” [IDIOT, I am a gun-nut, you are telling a STORY to me that I know is bullshit — they don’t really MAKE .357’s in SEMI-Automatic form you dumbass… or if they do, they are/were fabulously expensive… back in the day when he was talking about, there was like one (1), the Automag, I think it was — try $1000.+ back in the 70’s-80’s. I did by-the-way, ASK what kind it was… “A Colt” says he. D’oh!]) And we have the young one who never really listens to what you tell him (I’m sorry Marsh, I’m sorry. I love my job. Really?!) This guy also thinks that he, as the low man, should get the senior guy’s work hours and TOLD enough of them that they all hate his ass. Well, okay… buh-BYE! Next time I get the ol’ Ahoooga about someone, I will just not hire them. I should mention, I also gave both of these doofuses a job when NO ONE else would hire them. Thanks guys. As my boss tells me: You can bend over BACKWARDS to help drivers and they will turn around and try and fuck you!

Reenactor Dorks

I hate dishonorable back-stabbing snakes. Especially goobers that can’t be bothered to come to events, but will run their mouth (on a keyboard, but not to the person’s face) about someone really honorable. 80 months and I am done w/ this. It ain’t fun anymore. I have met some good people there over the years, but the back stabbers and the sad, small, strange little angry people just take their toll over time. In this case, going on 22 years. I don’t like liars, bullies, back-stabbing snake-fuckers, “drama-mamas” and other just plain unpleasant people. It’s a hobby dumb asses. 🙁


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It’s MY Thanksgiving.


In Mail Hauling, usually, we get the day after the holiday off. After so many years, you just get used to it… it is what it is. We’re going to my mother-in-law’s place for our Thanksgiving dinner today. She is a great host!!

I haven’t posted in a while… lot’s going on and I didn’t feel like it. Was busy before WWI and real world stuff after. I will say again: Hobby politics blow and you would not believe the amount of just hateful and “angry” people in a hobby. It’s sad — they can’t see the positive, just wishing to be angry, to impose their views on others. To play games and to think their title in a hobby means something. I don’t have time in my life for angry, small people. Do you? Is it worth it? I am concentrating on doing stuff w/ my unit and hoping we can move away from the one unsafe unit out there. My knee hurt so bad that it makes me really reconsider if I can keep doing this.

On the Hiring Front

So, as usual, we are short-handed. I actually found another person, willing to do the Sat night run and fill-in. Oh yeah, the promises. Yes, yes, yes. I spent an hour explaining to her (yes a “her”) all about the job. I went over every little thing. And then, I had to jump through hoops to hire her. And… she made it hard. She could not, would not follow instructions. Would not do the paperwork for her app, she questioned and argued about the paperwork for the Post Office, etc. On her app, she wrote all over thepage, her whole life story. THREE TIMES we had to redo that?!

I tried to help her, to get her onboard, well in excess of what I would for a guy (preferential treatment already?!) and she still would argue, etc. Ack! I explained NUMEROUS times this is not freight-hauling, it’s MAIL HAULING. Some drivers don’t get that and think they can “bargain” with you for stuff (“Well, why can’t ah picks the truck up here, by ma house?”). Well, after about 3-4 weeks work, I get this ding-dong on and what does she do??? She frigging quits. Yes. Quits. “What happened?” you ask… you guys must have been mean to her… Hardly: first, on her training run, she proceeds to argue the WHOLE night with her trainer. Just on and on and on. The morning after the training run, she gets back and she QUITS. “Why?” asketh you. Well, she didn’t like the computer (all trucks will be going to them now and it’s pretty simple to use), she didn’t like going to New Jersey (WTF?! I explained, FULLY, where we go and what we do…). She didn’t like the idea of laying over in the truck once in a while for a day (again WTF?!?!? I explained all this at LENGTH and she had said “Oh, that wouldn’t bother me at all.”). She didn’t like the fact that you have to “go” and cannot just stop when you feel like it. We “rush” her she said. There are “bed bugs” in the truck sleeper… That’s MY truck you drove, dipshit, there are no bedbugs in there. WTF? WTF? WTF? WTF? I should have just dumped her when my warning klaxons started going off. She always had some “reason” for problems or inconsistencies, always some excuse. My dog has more common sense than this person.

So what does this idiot’s actions end up doing? Well, she cost the company a bunch of money to hire her worthless ass. She goes makes ME look like an ass to my boss (after I jumped through 40 hoops to get them to let me hire her) — think that will happen again? By quitting like that, she screwed the other drivers who were scheduled off, now one had to run over the Holiday and others had their schedules all messed up. And you know who else she screwed? Any other woman who wants to drive for us — will they go out of their way to hire someone who really is not qualified or cannot do the job? Will they give people the chance to “prove themselves?” HELL NO. Horrible huh? I tried to be fair, more than fair. We went WAY out to accommodate her and she pissed all over that. >:-( No more accommodations — if someone cannot do the job the way we need it or how we tell them to do it, they ain’t gettin’ hired. My boss has told me a couple times: “You can can bend over backwards for these people and they will then turn around and try and screw you.” and it’s TRUE. It really is. Every time they do this crap, it makes me (and other managers) less nice, less forgiving, less accommodating. And lest some jack-ass think I am some sexist scumbag, one of the BEST drivers I EVER had was a woman. I am just too trusting, too naive — thinking there’s good in people. House is right, “Everybody lies!”

What Else?

Some good things at work… I do have a great crew! Without good people, nothing really get’s done. Treat them right, look out for them and they’ll look out for you. If you DO get a bad apple, you get rid of it before it contaminates the rest. My crew really steps up and does the job. I can say, without reservation: I have the BEST crew in the company. My guys take care of the trucks, they come to work and run the run correctly. They don’t tear up the equipment. They keep our stuff in better shape than in other areas… yes, my guys are great!!


I still like Herman Cain! We need, desperately, a BUSINESSMAN in the White House, not another career politician, not another do-nothing, no-experience leech, sucking off the teat of America. From what I’ve read, Mr. Cain believes in many of the things that I do. He says he’s not an “African-American” but a “Conservative-American!” That’s what we need. Not a divider, but someone who is part of US, not part of his own little group. And… I don’t care if the fleabaggers on the left (isn’t that a great and totally apropos term for these idiots) don’t like Mr. Cain — I think he’s a good guy for the job. Maybe Cain/Gingrich??

Now, like they always do, the fleabaggers and neo-Bolsheviks on the left, are trying to tear down the candidate running against them. They conspire against ANYONE who dares run against their current socialist hero. The left, really, is an insidious and hateful political machine. They’re funded by that Nazi Collaborator, George Soros (yes, he as a teenager in Hungary, he collaborated with the Nazis), who will spend his billions (click here to read just how he made his money) to advance the causes he supports (seemingly the socialist domination of Ameirca and the world). The things these people say and do say just disgust me. Now, the right isn’t much better and do not seem to learn either AND all the IDIOTS in Congress seem hell bent on destroying the United States of America.

I am tired of hateful, partisan scumbags ruining our country. I have written my senators, congressman and President to tell them that they were doing a poor job and as their employer, I was not happy with their performance, and out of them all, the President was the only one who did not bother to respond — the White House just went and  put me on their spam mailing list. Hell, at least Bill Clinton would respond. I think if everyone wrote them, perhaps they’d try and work together, but probably not. Things are so polarized that I don’t see anything good coming. And really, I don’t care that much: I have no descendants — what do I give a shit about? I have a nephew and a niece. My nephew will be okay and my niece, well, I worry about her, but she has parents–I cannot save the world. I think people need to start learning Chinese and reading their Koran. Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر).


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Dont you just get tired of BS?


I hate people who think they’re better than everyone else. That they know more, or better. That they know better than YOU and should therefore decide what IS BEST FOR YOU.

Hobby politics are bad. They are stupid bad and if you throw money into the mix, well people will do the most dishonorable shit. They will stab their best friend in the back, throw their mom under the bus. Its sad, and disgusting too.

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Got house!


Yay! We just closed on our new home!! Look left. And… we’re soon to be all gone from the nice looking, but ghetto-people-filled neighborhood we live in. One of my neighbors who moved out, called it the nicest trailer park he’d ever lived in. Not fair, as I’ve lived in trailer parks before and they were nice. Our neighbor’s on the one side just suck! As in ignorant, flies buzzin’ around their face suck. Fine, soon I shall never see their sorry asses again. ’nuff said about them. Oh yeah… “vile” works.

Anyway, now we just gotta move our stuff. 🙁 Of COURSE, right during hurricane Irene… And being short a driver at work. Still, I have until Sept. 30… I have a company that helped me before — Mr. Moves out of York, PA… Awesome workers, reasonable prices, no bullshit. Gotta pack though and wife’s health is AFU. 🙁 Just gonna take time — come home from work and friggin’ pack… Did that shit last move and it blew!

Being a homeowner IS cool though and when my brother Jim asked if I had made “carpet angels” I had to admit “yes.” :-p

Of course, Lowes got the fridge handles wrong, but they were cool and ordered new ones and then loaned us some stainless ones until our black handles come in. Oh, and dumbass me on first trip over, I missed a step and landed right on the knee I crunched slipping on truck… D’oh! Dat done be a hurtin’ still now.

Please excuse any typos, I’m writing this on my cell out in front of Wally World… Starting to rain pretty good…  Hey, at least it will water my new grass! Needs it, been dry here — not back-home, Cali dry, but for Pennsyltuckey, it’s been bad. For a bit, they’d throw a cig out the windah of the car and stuff would catch fire. Duh!

Some good news, I have a great new programmer who has gotten the Reenactor Consumer Guide (RCG) going. It had a LOT of bad code that wasn’t allowing it to work. Microsoft ASP really sucks!! Anyway, it’s working at BTW, we have now made it “all-era” vs. just WW1 and the orignal WW2 version. What is this thing? Well, it’s a place for reenactin’ folk to review their experiences, good AND bad with vendors servicing the hobby… Give it a look! It sure helped straighten up some shady dealers in WW2 reenacting (and made a couple of the real bad ones go away!)

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Janitor Generals


In the reenacting hobby, we have a number of people who are, in a term coined by Ed Franzosa, “Janitor Generals.” What this means is that in their normal life, they’re something like a janitor, worker bee, etc. but in reenacting, well they are some high ranking person of “importance.” And the thing is, they believe this is all real. Now, there are many in the hobby who are NOT like that, but you always have a few who think they’re Julius Caesar or Robert E. Lee reborn. They’re the ones who ALWAYS have to portray an officer — who ALWAYS have to have rank. Off the top of my head, I can think of 4-5 gross offenders of this practice: “I’m a Roman LEGATE (elite SS Panzer OFFICER, etc.) , you will respect me. You MUST swear allegiance to MY unit and go with NO OTHER to events where I deign to take MY UNIT.” LOL, kinda funny. That one is also unemployed now — did I mention many of these guys are among the professionally unemployed!?

It CAN be Great!

Reenacting is a neat hobby — you get to kind of step into things and see how it was then. BTW, by the term “reenacting,” I mean going and doing actual events, not standing in front of bored touronz and bloviating crap that they are not listening to. It is a sad fact that the vast majority of younger people today do not give a tinker’s damn about history. If it isn’t on an Xbox, they don’t care. The “loserazation” of the next generations is a whole separate topic.

Anyway, I have seen some high-minded “LIVING HISTORIANS” who insist that the only reason to do what we do is to “TEACH THE CHILDREN,” etc. My answer, as always is “horse puckey!” And this abomination that suddenly we’re not lowly reenactors, but are “LIVING HISTORIANS” with a higher purpose (I don’t know what that is, except to inflate their gigantic egos further, so that while they are cleaning toilets in their real life, they feel better). For that matter, asking them WHY they are a LIVING HISTORIAN vs. a reenactor can be enlightening. Ask them if they have any special training or anything… Rollin Curtis of At the Front has these “rants” wherein he goes on about stuff that he finds wrong, etc. For the most part, they’re pretty funny, but farbs and janitor generals don’t like that kind of thing. Here’s the intro to Rollin’s living history rant:

If you are new to the hobby, or have been out of circulation for a few years, here’s the situation: A growing number of participants prefer to consider themselves “Living Historians”. For some, the term “Living History” sounds more glorious and noble than “Reenacting”… a term which they associate with “cap busting”. It’s like the drunks at the Bel Air gentleman’s club looking down their noses at the drunks at Hike’s Point Bar and Lounge. I believe that this tizzy was an outgrowth of the previous conflict between those who prefer active events (playing war) and those who just like to dress up and pose for nazi shots and admire their collections. . . while wearing them. The LHer’s simply cannot comprehend that no matter how they dress, slice or dice it, what they do is playing war. Reenacting and Living History are the same damned thing.

Needless to say, my opinion has not been well received in certain circles. . .

You may read the whole series of rants on “LIVING HISTORIANS” here. I also think Rollin’s bit on Harley riders is damned funny and telling too… “Oh, were all rugged individualists” LOL, LOL, LOL! Harley riders are (at least the new breed of them, vs. real bikers), for the most part, all like lemmings… Everything has to be “just so.” Black leathers and “ride free” and über-shiny bikes with lots of chrome and doo dads and lights. Hell, most of these types of “bikers” are in their mid-life crisis… I digress, this, like the current generation of Losers (which is why I call them Gen “L”) is a whole separate blog. Back to ma peeps: reenactors.

Reasons to Reenact

There are MANY reasons to reenact… Sure, there IS the aspect of teaching and demonstrating the past to another generation, but for some of us, it’s a chance to “step back” into another time period. Immersion events are great for this. Sometimes it’s hard, but if you persevere, it can be great. No, you won’t actually be there, but you can “feel” the time period. You don’t get this kind of thing at public events. Civil War has some great immersion events. WWI and WWII do too. I do WWI and can tell you that you CAN get that feeling there. No, reenactors, for the most part, do not wish to be wounded, die or be miserable; we’re more there for a “taste of the time” as Tony Dahm says. Yes, we want a taste, a feeling of what they went through, not actual pain or real suffering. We don’t want fleas, we don’t want lice, we don’t want blisters, broken bones, gun shot wounds or to get a disease. But we DO want to camp like they did, to try the food, good and bad (hard tack, turnip jam, garum), we find it fascinating to see how the gear feels, how it hangs, impedes your progress, etc. Sitting in the rain, trying to stay dry under a rain cape, the smell of wet wool and leather are something that stays in your mind. Wood smoke from a camp fire — ask ANY reenactor and they will tell you that it conjur up instant good memories. You can get in the closet for something and bump your uniform and smell the smoke and it will ALWAYS bring a smile. Always. The comradeship of a good unit is something too. Amongst the LIVING HISTORIANS, it’s more like actors. They are, to use a phrase coined by Dan Peterson a “display team.” You can also call them “mannequins” which while pretty much accurate, is as insulting to some as the term “farb.” >:-)

Anyway, I am just rambling along, this all started by thoughts on one self-important ding-dong in the Roman reenacting world (don’t worry, there are plenty in other time periods too, just this one is kind of nutty nowadays). If you get into my hobby, you be sure to find these “heroes” or “LIVING HISTORIANS” as they think themselves. My advice is to mess with them some: don’t salute, call them “sir” or pretend they don’t exist. Point out to them that there “Is NO uniform Code of Reenactor Justice” and they can’t actually court martial you… that always spools them up. Ignore the ones who ORDER you around. In this hobby, for the most part, rank and position is determined by how much work and effort you put into the hobby; in othe rwords, you earn it. You can always tell those guys — they’re the ones who DON’T want any rank, who don’t wish to be “in charge.” The janitor general will ALWAYS insist he be in charge, then complain bitterly that people don’t “do their jobs.” Anyway, you’ll know what I mean. Ende

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Newville, Pa Frúhling 2011


Well, I’m here. Got here too late to set up tent… So im Wagon schlafen.

Went to GWA Social did some politikery :-p We’ll see. My goals are for better commo, more comraderie and to bring in more younger blood, as our hobby is aging, which is sad, very sad.

The WWI centennial is soon upon us… We HAVE to grow and bring in the young guys to our hobby. WWI is a great time period and it has some great people in it. I wish to make it better.

More later… Ende

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Life moveth on >>==>


Been a bit… Been doing some solid work on r.Net, getting it back to speed. Our most recent update messed up a lot and we have to manually fix it.

“We” means myself and staff. A new member is Kathy whom I have known since she was born. Literally! I rememberws today, the day she was born (I was like 4) and her Dad driving around handing out cigars 🙂

Anyway, she’s been helping a LOT, keeping me on track and not distracted… She’s learning about websites the real way, by doing.

Other staff coming back and getting things going. Bookstore will be back this weekend. ACW close now… WW2 in process.

Reenactor Consumer Guides also this week. Going to a winows server, so, of COURSE, have to move, can’t just be upgraded. 3 databases, 4 websites, a LOT of email addys to reset >:-0 Ack! Donations going nowhere — sadly, but enough for server. Need to get more to pay programmer to fix some of our site “mods” that the upgrade wiped or deactivated. So much to do…

WWI is soon upon us and many Rekruten are not ready and some alte Hase not either. April 14th to 17th is my time for fun… Twice a year, dat’s wuts ah gets. Gonna try Roman Days in May too.

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Stoßtrupp 1917 from IHF


Oh holy sheepshit Margaret!! It’s a BEAUTIFUL copy… Clear and detailed… With subtitles (meaning I can actually, really get what they are saying).

Stoßtrupp 1917 is the final part of the “Holy Trinity” of WWI German videos and, I think, the crown jewel.

Lavishly filmed using real Wehrmacht Soldiers and SA men. Real munitions were used in the filming… That Schrapnel hitting the water ain’t CGI Buckey! And SO clear… The first private video that I can see clearly. It is a “must-see” for any German reenactor. It is SO much better than “All Quiet on the Western Front” or “Westfront 1918″… This movie is pretty awesome and I cannot recommended it enough!!

Here is the description from IHF (whom you should buy this movie from)…

Uneasy lies the countryside beneath the stench of war. Stosstrupp 1917 (Shock Troop 1917) is the story of the steel hurricane known as the Great War, told from the German perspective. Lewis Milestone’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) had been fiercely pacifistic, and G. W. Pabst’s Westfront 1918 (1930) no less so, but while Hans Zoberlein’s equally lavish Stosstrupp 1917 is also antiwar, it is more sympathetic to Germany’s trench-warfare ordeal. All Quiet on the Western Front and Westfront 1918 are universally hailed as the two greatest First World War films ever produced, based as much on the astonishingly mobile cinematography of Arthur Edeson and Fritz Arno Wagner as on their masterly direction. Regrettable is the omission of Stosstrupp 1917 from this pantheon, for its cinematography by Karl Hasselmann is as uniformly dazzling.
An enormous box-office hit upon its release on 20 February 1934, Stosstrupp 1917 was based on director Zoberlein’s own war memoirs, Der Glaube an Deutschland, to which Adolf Hitler contributed a foreword; was financed by the National Socialist government; and featured Wehrmacht and SA troops in its cast, which make its invisibility since 1945 more readily comprehensible. The picture has been banned in Germany since the end of the Nazi era. Prints that have circulated since then have been heavily censored and run less than 90 minutes, removing militaristic dialogue and diluting the film’s impact and painstaking realism; many of its pyrotechnics, for instance, were produced with real ammunition and explosives. The present release restores 21 minutes of missing footage. Directed by Hans Zöberlein, Franz Adam, Marian Kolb, and L. Schmid-Wildy. Starring Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Possenbacher.

Anyway, this movie is WAY better than the other two movies mentioned. Ack! You HAVE to watch it. Oh wait, that’s if you’re a historian or WWI reenactor–if you’re just some American Idol-watchin’ shallow, sheeple, no, you probably won’t like it. I don’t care, I do.

Uneasy lies the countryside beneath the stench of war. Stosstrupp 1917 (Shock Troop 1917) is the story of the steel hurricane known as the Great War, told from the German perspective. Lewis Milestone’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) had been fiercely pacifistic, and G. W. Pabst’s Westfront 1918 (1930) no less so, but while Hans Zoberlein’s equally lavish Stosstrupp 1917 is also antiwar, it is more sympathetic to Germany’s trench-warfare ordeal. All Quiet on the Western Front and Westfront 1918 are universally hailed as the two greatest First World War films ever produced, based as much on the astonishingly mobile cinematography of Arthur Edeson and Fritz Arno Wagner as on their masterly direction. Regrettable is the omission of Stosstrupp 1917 from this pantheon, for its cinematography by Karl Hasselmann is as uniformly dazzling. An enormous box-office hit upon its release on 20 February 1934, Stosstrupp 1917 was based on director Zoberlein’s own war memoirs, Der Glaube an Deutschland, to which Adolf Hitler contributed a foreword; was financed by the National Socialist government; and featured Wehrmacht and SA troops in its cast, which make its invisibility since 1945 more readily comprehensible. The picture has been banned in Germany since the end of the Nazi era. Prints that have circulated since then have been heavily censored and run less than 90 minutes, removing militaristic dialogue and diluting the film’s impact and painstaking realism; many of its pyrotechnics, for instance, were produced with real ammunition and explosives. The present release restores 21 minutes of missing footage. Directed by Hans Zöberlein, Franz Adam, Marian Kolb, and L. Schmid-Wildy. Starring Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Possenbacher.
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Where has the truth gone?


I don’t get people… why can’t they just tell the truth? Especially when you will find out they’re lying… Sad, weird–no, sad. And people having your back or following through… just gone in this world. I know, I am way behind on shit, but I will get to it, just am crushed w/ real life right now. On my recent trip to Columbus, it was actually a relief! I didn’t have to get on the computer to deal w/ people or e-mail or whatever. Nice for a change.

And really, why do people have to sneak around and try and do shit w/ out asking anyone? I know that in one organization I’m a member of, it’s pretty much the “RULE” to just go ahead and do stuff without asking or publicizing it, then ask for forgiveness later. I have an end-date there.

And really, reenacting for me will not last forever. I won’t be some old guy w/ translucent skin, pretending I’m a 20 year old soldier. I see guys who were my age now, still reenacting as a frontline soldier. Sure buddy, sure. Nothing lasts forever and you can’t stop time. End date. Remember that.

I’ll stop now. I’m depressed at the cheeseyness of man.
