Archive for the ‘Living Life’ Category

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A New Year


Roman officer, ostenibly CaesarSo, here we are, 2017. It didn’t really start out very promising. Work, little money, tired, borken tooth and insurance BS (something I won’t go into here). I can say that work on the Roman site, moved along by my friend John’s help IS going better, but on the work front, not enough hours, working all night. Caffeine addiction… ugh (have a headache today) and just tiredness and such. Since no one actually reads my blog, I don’t really have much to worry about.

Work stuff

At work, it appears they are installing cameras facing the drivers. I am not real hip on that, to say the least. They say, of course, that it won’t be always on, but in the companies I have known about, they DO use it like that and harass drivers about things such as eating and drinking (I’m a diabetic, so I WILL be doing those things) and talking on the phone–guess who we stay awake at night now… no one talks on a CB anymore. We’ll see where that goes. I am not sure I’m going to continue with that.

Romans in Britain

THe new responsive template is really working, as is the social media code. I need some social media buttons so folks can share the site–that’s coming… At 477 pages, it is a lot to keep up. Without my old program, GoLive CS2 (which actually works w/ the new template, whereas Dreamweaver does NOT), I can do what I need, but… it is all hard. One thing at a time. And, adding code to each page and tweaking and such is really a lot of work. And, while i do this, reenactor.Net languishes. My baby WILL be moving soon to this template, but first, I hav eto figure out hwo to make the link mod work… that and the gallery w/ out using the SMF/TinyPortal system that powers it all now SMF/TP is not responsive, meaning ti won’t work w/ mobile and as such, google penalizes you, HEAVILY. Sucks, but what else can you do w/ this blackmail but adapt. Sad.


My Galaxy 7 Edge is acting stupid, so here in a bit,  am going to go over to Verizon and see what can be done. I guess a new one as it’s still under warranty, but I DETEST changing phones. Gotta have it though. Still, not looking at Facebook would probably be a good thing. The politics and the constant crap from the sour-grapes, sore losers is getting to be a bit much. We gave Odumma a chance, until he screwed the pooch (willingly, I think) and they should too. There is a reason Trump won and tha tis because people are tired of the way the country is going and we want real change, not bullshit, liberal commie change. Anyway, I need ot go. Be nice if I could write on this more.


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Healthcare woes


hulkpainSo, Wednesday morning, I got a shock. Talking to the office manager, I find that not only is my healthcare going WAY up (another $300 a month), but that I was supposed to choose 2 days before what I was going to do but I never got the paper or knew. Ugh. Immediate chest pains and stomach. Ugh. $1750 a month?! That’s like $21,000 a year?!? WTF? I can’t afford that. I was already in serious trouble since last year’s increase of $300. a month. Aaiiiheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, FUCK!

reliefWhen I got home and had time to breathe, I called my car insurance place and wonderful Jennifer there gave me a number to call. Turns out I can get a “silver plan” which is ca. $409. for both the wife and I. Co-pays are less, except for specialists, but the deductible is more, about $3k, but I’m sorry, I cannot pay what they want on the old plan–how can anyone?

As it is, the “Health and welfare” portion of my check, ca. $860. or so a month, well, I can’t use that–only for the company insurance. See, due to the evil machinations of a company I used to work for (no, not the Bad Horsey), most mail contractors don’t pay you the health and welfare money anymore, so as to save on their payroll tax. So, I can’t actually USE the money meant for m insurance unless I buy the company insurance which costs over 4 times what the one I got on the market cost??! 😮 What they do, is put that money in a 401k account. Joy. Hell, the last company, Bad Horsey, well all of it went into the 401k and in the end, he shafted me out of about $20k. Nice huh? A friend too. Wonderful guy who is going to go to jail to learn the lesson that theft and misuse of pension funds is a felony. The government (who is prosecuting him) say he owes our pension plan like $1.8 MILLION dollars–I’ll never see any of it. Anyway, so… with this way, I will have $860 or so in my 401lk each month, still have decent insurance and get a little more in my check each payday (still keeping me poor, but not NEARLY as poor as if I had kept w/ the other insurance). Wow, perhaps I will get to retire someday… I doubt it, but maybe.

Don’t get me wrong, the company insurance wasn’t bad, just expensive… but… I certainly wasn’t thrilled to find out that I had been paying $100 a month more to be out of state either. It had a $1700. deductible.


What I want

Many of my friends call me a “socialist” or some shit because I want single payer health care. Sorry, I believe health care is a basic right. Sorry Fritz, I do. Anyway, the system that we had before was pretty sucky and while the intent was good, the application of Obamacare made things INFINITELY WORSE! “Why can’t we go back? say some. Because, with the advent of Obamacare, the genie is out of the bottle, not to be put back in. M brother Jim thins perhaps it was planned this way to force single-payer. Maybe, I don’t know. I do know that yes, we will pay more taxes for it, but then I won’t be paying nearly the rapacious amount health insurance costs. Organized thievery with no real concern for health.

Many, including Fritzel and my friend Tim, think the government cannot be trusted to run it. Perhaps. But I see no real solution.

Life Goes On

Hopefully, this will help get things back on track with me. I am also working to re-fi the house. It would be done by now, but hit a snag. When I was unemployed due to the shithead ex-owner of Bad Horsey (see how I don’t mention any real names in here…), I got behind on my mortgage and had to get it modified. Somehow, and I don’t remember this at all, they put the difference in a second to be paid off when I sell. It’s taking some time to do, I think it’s called, a subordination. It will be worth it though, as it will lower the mortgage–not as much as I want, but even a little over $100 a month will help.

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Added some annuals to my bed out front. I had to make this around the water trunk as the contractor effed up and made it stick too high out of the ground. Anyway, hopefully, they’ll do well this summer. I’ve been building beds w/ rock from the lots around here.I have a big flat one, I need to get it over here for a stepping stone. Might need some help.

Also, removing the bricks I have around the trees and will be doing that with rock. Last will be my Roman herb garden inspired by my friend Mark’s… It’s been a bit hot though. Maybe soon.

Have to go to Richmond tomorrow. Hope that is fruitful–the guy down there is so against the computers. It’s sad really. Don’t wanna dwell on that.

Comments Off on That is it, exactly.

That is it, exactly.


I was watching Sherlock Holmes and he said “My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work… …and I am in my proper atmosphere. Then I can dispense with artificial stimulants. For I appall the dull routine of existence. I crave mental exaltation.” I feel this too. I need a project, not just coasting, reading Facebook, the news, watching TV. Waugh, say.

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Life has been more stressful lately. Problems at work. Problems at home. Problems in general. First, I hate incompetence and I hate bullies. Makes it hard to deal w/ things, doesn’t it?

Yesterday’s Day

Yesterday was essentially a 18 hour day. I got up at 05:15, left at 06:30 drove to Baltimore, fly to Raleigh then rode to Rocky Mount, wherein the truck would not start. >:-( Jumped off the APU and it then took from 1:30 pm to 4:45 pm for the APU to power the truck enough to get it to turn over and start. Got trailer and left at about 5:30. Got to yard in Baltimore at 10:30, off at 10:45. Drove home. Back at 01:00… it was more complicated than that, but that was the day in a nutshell.

Just a long day. And it was really hot and nasty down south yesterday. I was getting sick from the heat, which was a “fun” new experience. Joy.

Today’s Joy

This AM was a great fight w/ the wife. Over dumb stuff. Another joy. I just have too much to deal with. Worry, stress, drivers CONTINUING to call me about their checks and money… what can I tell them? Nada. Life is not ordered right now and that makes it worse. Causes me to stress out heavily.


Sounds like I get to fly to Georgia — a whole new set of stresses. Have to put Zoey in the kennel (who can’t take her till Monday) and she needs her distemper and lepto shots. Yay, $90. I don’t have.

The Internet

It’s not that fun anymore and I cannot do creative stuff under stress — a main reason my websites have not been really worked on for the last 8 months or so. Just too hard. The Roman one has been getting some work, but I keep getting disturbed. R-Net needs an update of software, which takes money first for some upgrades. one, before the other, always, but before that, THIS other thing HAS to be done.


Really windy early this AM. Lots of rain, lighting. Poor Angus went into Zoey’s crate (she was fine)… his 10th Birthday yesterday… He does seem to be feeling better on the Clucosamine Chondroitin I’ve been giving him. Getting stiff in his old age — I can relate — my left hand gets worse every day. ring finger and pinky and part of my palm there ache. Ring finger get’s “stuck” and I have to move it past a certain point to free it. Yay.

I’ll stop — you don’t need to read about my blather. Just another day in the countdown.


Comments Off on Does it get better?

Does it get better?


So, today started out with ice, then the joyful discovery that I had a flat. After Nationwide roadside came out and aired me up… Went and got a used tire, then home for argument with wife.

Next, my driver called and he will be out for a while (or longer) due to heart problems. Hopefully one of the new people we have in the pipeline will work out.

In WWI, the thing we do twice a year is still holding me, when I’m usually two months into Roman work. It seems the drama has died, but in a hobby with huge passions…

In the Roman world, we seem to be moving forward, with recruits, an immersion event before Military Through the Ages (MTA) which is In March at Jamestown Settlement. I haven’t Ben since 1999, the unit went last year (I was stuck working). Sadly, the unit we went with got banned and we were in trouble for a few things. Our centurio did a lot of liasing with them and got us invited back. We have work to do!

Anyway, just a lot to do and not enough time or money for everything.

Comments Off on NCIS… sometimes, Fiction Can influence Real Life

NCIS… sometimes, Fiction Can influence Real Life


NCIS is a great show and one of the most popular. It is great because you can just veg and they’re good stories… except where it’s supposed to be set in Northern Virginia… in the one in watching, is supposed to be Annandale, Virginia. Horse puckey! That’s my home time in Virginia. Anyway, they film in Cali, not NoVa, which is dumb — why not actually film in Virginia? Why not wankers? Typical hollyweird laziness. It would be so much cooler. Anyway, I digress…

Gibbs, the lead character of the show, played by Mark Harmon, has a set of rules he and his team use… I have found this to be a really useful idea.

Over the last year or so, Driver “X” and I have come up with some for my life and that apply to my drivers. I did Swipe some of Gibvs’ rules too… the ones after rule 13. So sue me, some apply.

strongMarsh’s Rules/strong

1. Get the Mail moving.

2. Never_assume.

3. Ask!

4. Don’t count on others.

5. Always CYA!

6.Always make sure.

7.Don’t wait to call with a problem.

8.Keep in touch.

9.Always have a screwdriver, pliers, crescent-wrench and a flashlight.

10.Don’t argue with the P.O. — call you manager.

11.Try common sense.

12.If you gotta ask, it’s probably “No!”

13.YOU are responsible for keeping track of your hours.

14.Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check.

15.Never be unreachable.

16.The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell
one other person – if you must. There is no third best.

17.You don’t waste good.

18.Never say “You’re Sorry.” It’s a sign of weakness.

19.Always be specific when you lie.

20.Never take anything for granted.

21.Never go anywhere without a knife.

22.When the job is done, walk away.

23.Never date a co-worker.

24.Never, ever involve a lawyer.

25.Always work as a team.

26.If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it.

27.It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.

28.If you feel like you are being played, you probably are.

29.There is no such thing as coincidence.

30.If it seems someone is out to get you, they are.

31.Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you.

32.Clean up the mess that you make.

33.Sometimes – you’re wrong.

34.Never trust a woman who doesn’t trust her man.

35.You do what you have to do for family.

36.Don’t work the system when you can work the people

37.Never second guess yourself in a relationship and life.

Comments Off on Why is it?

Why is it?


Why is it some people are just so unreasonable? No matter what, they have to find something to be mad about.

Other Bullshit
And then we have others, others who do things but conveniently neglect to tell you that they’ve done it, thus leaving your ASS HANGING IN THE WIND. >:-0 Once again my old motto of “Don’t count on others!” is proven to be true yet again. 🙁 WTF?

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Ice, BS, Life (not neccesarily in that order)


So, we now haul freight on some runs. One of my former runs was a on-way Mail route (one of the P.O.’s grand “genius” ideas) and now, after many years, we are hauling freight back. NOT even my run anymore… And sure, I understand it. Makes sense, but alas, they (guys now managing it) have no one there and ends up, MY guys have to deliver it >:-( My one guy normally can do it, he likes it and the money (he’s ALL ABOUT MONEY), but on Mondays, he’s off. EVERYONE needs a day off. Everyone. My two relief drivers don’t want to do it because:

  1. They’re both over 70 years old
  2. The other day, my young driver had to unload furniture (not to happen again)
  3. They get paid differently than on Mail… less as they don’t get the health and welfare part that Mail pays.
  4. Did I say they were both over 70? 74 and 73…

Now, both of these older guys also don’t like each other and feud like my two dogs, wildly mad over some perceived insult or that one might get away with more than the other. What they don’t get is that this WILL happen and since they won’t help w/ the freight, then they WILL alternate on Sunday so my young driver can be off. Not a “maybe” or a “might” a “WILL DO.” Ya gotta love people.

Don’t get me wrong, these guys are both really good guys, hard workers etc. but they have this perception of the job and unfortunately, that job has changed 🙁 Not my fault, not my desire, but we have to deal w/ it. Still, their feuding is going to end up costing one or the other, their job. I don’t think they realize just how hard that will be. In today’s world, most companies will not hire older workers. My Dad had to deal w/ this after he retired. They don’t say it, but companies will not hire older workers. Age discrimination does exist. Here, we have them, they do a good job. Mainly because these runs are low intensity. I doubt it would work on one of my NJ runs at night, w/ a 3-4 hour layover. Those are rough on younger guys. I don’t have a solution, other than trying to explain to them. AND, if one quits, the other will have to take up the slack. What about when the younger guy goes on vacation?? SOMEONE will have to do the freight. Maybe rotate and do in AM other guy do Mail in afternoon, I don’t know.

Why Freight Hauling Sucks Shit

I detest freight. Delivery places treat drivers like shit “You’ll have to wait 4 hours” and shit like that. In our case, the answer is “We have a Mail run after this — if you won’t unload, we are leaving and you can reschedule your product another day.” Hasn’t quite come to that harsh an answer, but it’s there. All y’all wonder WHY there are so many truck accidents — this is part of it, shippers delaying drivers (most of whom get paid by the MILE, vs. by the hour) and the drivers trying to get caught up. Also, they not only don’t usually get paid while they’re cooling their heels at these places, they also are “on duty” which means they HAVE to log off 14 hours form the time they logged on, no matter how man hours they have driven, nor even if they’ve had a 4 hour nap. No. 14 hours, off duty. Used to be you could take and push your time out w/ a break but stupid, dumb-ass politicians and lawyers and dumb mothers-against-truckers_driving or whatever screwed that up. Hell, get this: for teams, you used to be able to do 5 and 5 forever. Worked well — 5 hours and you were off. Guess what… NOW you have to drive 10-11 hours before that can happen. Pretty bright huh? These are the dumbshits that are causing accidents and killing people. Know-it-all (well, know-NOTHING) “experts” get it wrong EVERY time. They pass laws, then there are huge court cases over this. Why can’t there be any common sense? WHY? Anyway, this is why the industry is screwed. Worse than that because there is already a driver shortage and it’s getting worse. Plus the new CSA system is weeding out scumbag drivers and there is no replacement. Young people are not coming into the industry. Old shitty, big, mongo freight hauling companies (whom I will not mention here) take new people and work the shit out of them, paying them peanuts to live on the road — not coming home, but MAYBE once a week, IF they are lucky. New people don’t want that — they want a life. Companies don’t care. Really, they act like they do, but the answer from “on-high” is “If they don’t like it here, get rid of ’em.” Sure. Where will we find another driver? This ain’t the ’80’s. The driver shortage is real and getting worse – good drivers can pick and choose and ya know what, they are increasingly picking not to drive for scumbag companies. C’est La Vie!

The Good News

Driver wages will surely go up as these companies will not be able to hire drivers to run stuff. Even w/ hiring new drivers, their accident rates will go up, as will maintenance costs. D’OH! I foresee a time not to far off where drivers will be making $50. an hour and owner operators, maybe $100. — well they should. Sure, your groceries will cost more. Got a better solution? Drivers deserve health benefits too. Cheating them on their pay is getting harder too with on-board log and monitoring computers (though they still find ways to do this) and someday, maybe trucking will be a decent profession again.


Yeah…. today, is freezing rain. Gott sei DANK it happened today, on my day off. What a mess. A kid spun out and got stuck right by my house. His buddies were trying to pull him out w/ an ATV, but that didn’t work. I wandered over looked and went and got Blue. They had a come along and w/ that, I had her in 4-lo and didn’t even gun it, just tightened up the cable and out he came. Peoples done wonders why ah gots me a foah wheel drives now. :-p

Trips Today and Saturday’s Unpleasantneß

Current weather radar

Current weather radar (1.23.2012 -- Happy Birthday Erin and Ericka!)

I have one run out and going. I am sure they will salt the Pike and highways. The snow sure made things out of whack — mainly out in the Midwest. They were all WAY late the other night, then when it got rolling, there was a neat tanker accident right into Pennsyltuckey. Finally getting all those runs straight.

Anyway, here, to the left, is a radar from my phone a little bit ago. Sorry the text here touches the caption frame, but I couldn’t figure out how to rem that. Ever the A-R layout dork, I am! 🙁 So… it looks mainly just rain, so he’ll probably be alright. We hope. Now, I know, someone is going “But Marsh, you are an evyil, icky bastard to send out trips in this weather.” My answer is: “Doofus, ‘Through rain, through sleet, through dark of night’ AIN’T a marketing gimmick… it’s what we do.” How the HELL do you think you get your Mail on time? Fed Ex and “Buster Brown” (UPS) do it too. Don’t be naive.

Tech Thought

As a side note: ain’t technology grand? I love the weather radar on my phone and Weatherbug seems to do it really well. Okay, the ads kinda suck, but I have read their “pro” version is real buggy, so I will stay with this one. Koonta seems to like Weather Channel, but I haven’t had the joy with it.

Damn, it’s almost 2PM, where did my ONE day off this week go? I am not counting the day I had my tooth yanked as that was not particularly fun. Days off should be lounging around in the official uniform of the Internet (your underwear) and surfing or web building or facebooking or… whatever. Damn, wish I had money for a pizza (ha-HA, I could make ANOTHER driver go out in this weather).


Comments Off on Don’t you hate how some people act?

Don’t you hate how some people act?


I get irritated at people who willfully try and cheat me. Especially when they then sit there and pretend they are doing nothing. Gotta love it. Anyway, it’s just a minor morning irritation. They’ll get theirs in the end. I don’t mean at some ethereal point int he afterlife, either. I prefer Haydukian Intervention.

Today’s the Day

Going today to get my bad tooth out! No, i do not like dentists — they freak me out. Much of it comes, as I have already said, from having braces as a child. I doubt they’ve improved the process, but back then it was worse. I HATED going to the orthodontist and while I am sure they all have the best intentions, I KNOW I didn’t have that bad of teeth. My parents were trying to do something good for me. However, I can tell you it, it was years of mouth pain and it has created the situation of me not going to the dentist unless I have to.

Anyway, this tooth will get yanked out today. 🙂 Maybe then I can get on w/ life. W/ this, often, it’s all I can think of. Owwwww.

RIB (Romans in Britain) — Visit it!

What can I say, it’s a good resource and I hope you’ll visit it. I find the Romans SO interesting because it was so long ago. So much we just don’t know. Give the site a look and if there’s something we need to add or do, etc. PLEASE, let us know. We will be updating things as we go. Right now, we are STILL trying to convert all the old pages to the new template — so much work. Worth it. Enjoy.