Archive for the ‘Web Work’ Category

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The blahs.


Really, I am numb to most things these days. I was going to go sailing (which is one of the few things that brings me joy anymore), but $ is short until payday. I got laid off on Monday, but it’s a good thing. Really! Anyone who knows me, knows just how much I was unhappy there. Yes, I hate to change jobs, but in reality, I should have last year. If my mother hadn’t have passed last winter, I would have had to, as I just couldn’t afford it. The health insurance went up $300. per month the last two years. This year, it was going to be $1570. per MONTH for the wife and I… I had to drop it and get coverage on the market. That meant the money I was getting for the health care was not usable (neato huh) and went into a 401k, like at the company before. Actually, I wish I had done it that way from the beginning, as I’d have a lot more in my 401k AND have still had health care. Oh well. Anyway, it is what it is.

The ‘Net and my inability to go there anymore

It is strange… I used to LOVE to do stuff on the ‘Net. I would read my emails (a almost dead thing now due to Facebook) and I loved to work on my websites… However, since the last job entailed me being on the Internet and computer SO MUCH, I just don’t seem to feel like it anymore. “Back in the day,” I was on the ‘puter constantly, all day, late into the evening, EVERY day. The last employer didn’t understand what I actually did for the job–it wasn’t constant, but it entailed me being there to fix things ALL day and well into the night–including weekends. I think he felt I did nothing for what he paid me. Fine–his company. Another problem was that I couldn’t go out of town overnight due to my wife’s physical stuff and me having to be here to deal w/ the animals. I understand what they needed. I hope they get it. I’m at peace with it all and the gave me a fair severance. I have nothing bad to say.  C’est La Vie!

I really need a vacation and by that, I mean AWAY. Like going home to Reno. If it works out and I get the money like I’m supposed to AND, if I can line up a job to start, I might try and take a week to go there. I dunno. It costs like $52. a day for the dogs in the kennel. I only have two now, but she-who-shall-not-be-mentioned won’t watch them or take them out. Even just Miller, who is the calmest dog there is. I DO need to get away and I’d like to see the Fam. I used to go every year. However, since I got married, that hasn’t been possible. It was fine when I lived in Cali, but here, no. I have to fly… And the Kennel thing multiplies shit exponentially.

Some Things Are Better

My Fridge... a Samsung RF4287HAPD

My Fridge… a Samsung RF4287HAPD

My Fridge's control panel. Kinda high-tech (for when we got it 5 years ago). No cameras like now. Still, neat, but I bet pricey to fix. IF Samsung tech repair will call, which was promised a WEEK AGO.

My Fridge’s control panel. Kinda high-tech (for when we got it 5 years ago). No cameras like now. Still, neat, but I bet pricey to fix. IF Samsung tech repair will call, which was promised a WEEK AGO.

On the good front, I now have the $ (or will this week, if all goes as its supposed to) to get my pickup out of hock (it’s been in the shop for a whole year as of today 😮 ) and also, fix the fridge (control panel locked up and a sensor came loose INSIDE the freezer where I cannot get to it) and the dryer too… an on-going pain for years–had a new motor in 2013, but I think it was bad from the beginning. The dryer motor makes noise. Also, needs a roller and maybe a temp sensor… Ugh. But all in all… I have a sailboat. The club is paid until March, as is the storage!! It costs little to sail. I DO want to have someone look at the outboard motor and tell me why it just cuts out while motoring sometimes. I don’t think it’s a big thing, as the outboard starts on the first pull usually. Just when it cuts out on the way back in… 😮 My sailing partner and good friend Marv is not thrilled w/ this aspect. And, I am not yet that skilled at sailing to the dock. Something to practice–Hell, I have trouble docking in a strong wind. Last time… it was trying to keep the tiller and the outboard going same way. I am going to lock the outboard and just steer w/ the tiller. I need to make an extender for the shifter, as it is hard to reach. I DO love the boat. I was able to sail the whole day by my self on Father’s day. Marvin helped me get her int he water and then went and did his family stuff-he looked worried as I left the dock, but it was good. I got a little crispy from the sun/wind, but had a blast. I need a bimini for sure… no shade in the cockpit. Can you, gentle reader, tell what interests me? A bad da at the boat is still better than the best day at work and often home too.

On the Mooring?

A Catalina 22 on a mooring ball

A Catalina 22 on a mooring ball (not mine). I swiped the photo off the ‘Net to show what we’re talking about.

The guy I bought the boat from, and others, think I should keep her on a mooring ball, but I have been reluctant as I live so far away. If something were to happen, it is TWO hours from here to the boat, at best. However, I then wouldn’t be held hostage by the tides… that IS a problem. Of course, I also would then have to redo the bottom paint 😮 Right now, I leave the boat rigged on her trailer, but still, it takes about an hour from me getting there, to being on the dock. I have a tarp over the cockpit to keep a lot of the leaves out and thus keep the cockpit drains from plugging and then it filling w/ water. Also, the tarp helps keep the windows form leaking, which they do otherwise. Anyway, I have the mains’l bent on (look at me, all using nautical terms), but the jib is not. I wish i could afford a roller furler–it sure would make single-handed sailing easier. Still, I have two jibs and a spinnaker (don’t know how to use that yet).


I still would like to take lessons in sailing. I called a place down there (Washington Sailing Marina) and they gave me this chick’s number, but she blew me off. And, I don’t have $400. for an ASA class. I’d like to mind you, but don’t have it. Most of my life’s problems these days are about money. Ugh. Life used to be less complicated. Oh well… I read a lot and try new stuff. I saw a bunch of mylar balloons cone down in the Potomac on Father’s Day, so I sailed over and got them w/ the boat hook as I went by. 🙂 I need more practice on things like that. Need wind too. Last weekend, it was not windy–yesterday was, but I didn’t have the $35. in gas to go down there. Not sure when next trip is. At least on the 16 July–the birthday trip 🙂 I looked at my weather apps and the rest of the weekend is crap winds. Not worth driving down. Soon though.

The Yard and Garden

I don’t need to mow this weekend (a weed eating wouldn’t hurt as I blew it off last weekend when I DID mow)… with little rain, the lawn has calmed its growing spurt. I used ot water all summer, but now do as the local tribes and I don’t… only the trees and the garden. Ahh, the garden. Strawberries came back booming. This year, I put down cloth, cut around the plants and then mulched. I only have 4 tomato plants in this year. My one bed, I thought I’d not have to plant squash and zucchini, but the damned things grew on their own and are not setting fruit >:-( I’ll have to dig that bed out and get onto replanting. I finished bed #3 and have 2 watermelons and 2 cantaloupes there… extended bed #1’s drip to that one, so all is good. Maybe this week, I shall dig all the fruitless squash out and replant w/ new plants that WILL set fruit. I like them and cook with a lot. Last year, I didn’t do so much because I was stuck running a mail run all summer… 16 hours of driving a day 😮 Ugh. I was so tired all the time. Buying food on he road. Just burnt. Hell, as I was on salary, I got nothing extra for this and in fact, because I was so tired on the way home every day, I got 4 speeding cam tix in Maryland and they cost me $42 each >:-( So, in reality, me running that shit cost me money. Ugh. And for what? Not even a thank you. At least the late Lord Byron would have said that: “Captain, you’re doin’ a Hell of a job… I couldn’t do it without you.” At least you felt good. Last summer was wasted and I didn’t get to do as much w/ m nephew… he did get to go in truck to NY and I could tell it dampened an desire he had to be a truck driver 😛 He wasn’t thrilled w/ that shit at all–which is good. I don’t want him in this downwardly-mobile profession. I don’t like how talking about the garden (which I like) turned into talking about work (which I don’t)… Suffice it to say, this week, if paid like promised,  shall be finishing bed #4 (cheaply to do)… I have fence posts and wire (Thanks Joe!!), but need blocks. I have scrounged all but 4 of the blocks so far. Might just buy the rest. Is it too late to grow peas? Cukes were bitter last year and I am wary of that. Hmmmm. I keep getting the display driver crashing, so I guess I’ll sign off this post and reboot. Can’t run photoshop w/ out that. And… unless yo want my blogs to be pictureless (even more boring) I need to have that working. I think I got all the typos out. I think. I hates dat.


Comments Off on A day off, things were done!

A day off, things were done!


Well, it seems of late I get little done on my days off. Today, I got some wood our builders gave me. Been wanting to get — part to re-frame my office door and a big 2 x 12 that I want make some ramps to work on my truck. No, not like you think… Layers to get it up in air — damned thing hits me on the chest when trying work under it.

I also want to start building shelves in the garage… They have some more good wood, so I’ll try and get it. Then some plywood and voila! Alles gute!

A Dog’s Life

What else? Well Angus, who is well behaved, got to go w/ me to get wood — he seemed to dig that. It was only fair that I took Zoey for a walk 🙂 she is so much calmer when Angus is not there. When it gets warmer, I will start taking them separately. I need to walk anyway, Im getting old and now more out of shape.

Amazon Enlightenment

The biggest thing was I called Amazon Associates while the wife was in Wally World. The guy there gave me some good advice on making my bookstore work better. My associates payouts have really went down in last year or two. He looked at things and he was right, it was too hard to get to the books. Also, much to my chagrin, I noticed a bunch of my links to bookstore pages were Effed-up and some of the pages were WAY hosed.

I fixed WWII and RevWar. Civil War is okay, I did it last winter — same w/ Middle Ages and 1870-1900. Of course, after I got it all untangled and uploaded, I saw that the WWI area was AFU. 😮 Oh well, my head hurt too bad to deal with it. I need to just do a bit a day and get into new system, vs. old static pages. When done, it will be great. My problem is that I see something wrong and need to fix said problems, but when I do, I then always seem to find TWO OTHER frigging things to do. Just damned frustrating. And having to go back and see the same shit again and again is stultifying 🙁

Anyway, I DID get some good done. If I could just buckle down and do at least one time area book set a day, or even a week, it will soon be good.

And then

It will also be time to get the RIB up to speed. The Google ads are still in need of tweakage. I am hoping to slowly start updating the pages, beginning with the military pages — that will be easier. I have a lot of info on that :-p The Military area of RIB is pretty weak. Not bad, just weak. Then, once military is under control, I plan on just going through and upgrading other areas; in many cases, just adding more and better pix.

I hope and plan to make RIB a useful and great place for those who have an interest on Roman-Britain (or even in Roman life anywhere).

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Another Friggin’ Day Shot


Most of today was spent in pain. Also, as the back is Effed up, I couldn’t get much done, hence spending the day sitting at the “devil box” as Herrn Steiner calls it. Mostly, it has been the Roman site. Ack, none of the fun things, no. And when I tweak one little thing, something else major pops up. Alas, much of it is in the original code. Some of what I call a “poison pill” — a bit of code that makes your whole page crash and your efforts turn to shit in front of your eyes. A lot of the problems have to do w/ the menus, of course, and so, after it craps out once, I tend to make a solid backup to work from. I KNOW what is wrong… just have to do one thing, then when it blows up still, you do the next thing. Like the old days. Do something, hit “save.” Do another, hit “save” again. Ack!

Evil Adobe

I am not even going to rant about Adobe. I use some of their products and they USED to be great — however, they have chosen, once again, like before, to leave their customers behind and force you to use something shittier — I won’t. Just have to use a workaround and right now, I cannot find my manuals for GoLive to figure out a problem. Of course, knowing them, there might not be an answer, but we’ll see. No, I don’t want, nor need to hear you babble on about how I should switch to Dreamweaver — it sucks shit and I detest it. It has to do with left-brain and right-brain… guess what I am. I’d rather use frigging Microsoft FrontPage.

WordPress Works!

At least this works. I can rant and vent. Hell, my new house is leaking for some reason, right by my desk. The builders, who do an AWESOME job and really DO care, will be here tomorrow to look at it. I had to leave the other day and really, how will it work w/ them being here and the PoD. For that matter, PoD juniorette and Angus would also be trouble… Nah, I gots ta be here fo’ dat. Anyway, I haven’t really eaten today, nor taken my meds, so I guess I need to hobble upstairs and do both. Maybe I will make some tea as I will have a SCREAMER of a headache in the AM since I have had no caffeine today.

Ende für jetzt!

Comments Off on Still working on Roman Site…

Still working on Roman Site…


It’s becoming a drag. Mainly because there are still about a hundred pages to convert. I am having problems w/ GoLive in that pages that are bigger than the template, while showing okay, will not let me edit the content that overflows the template regions, without cutting all the template window out and then pasting it in an edit doc >;-( Dumb, but real. W/ over 400+ pages, things like this really make it harder. Boring to you, a pain the ass for me.

My Back Too

Somehow, on ride home form work, I managed to make my back go out?! Still hurts today. Kent tried to pop it, but didn’t work (I had to go back over and take checks as I forgot last night, as i didn’t see them on floor of car). C’est La Vie! Would like to take down Xmas lites and put some exhaust clamps on my pickup, but is unlikely as it is butt-ass cold (a technical term) and my back hurts too much for that. Plus, when I breathe, the damned tooth lights off. I am sure happy that will be coming out on Thursday.

Roman Banner Question

Here are two banners I was going to start using… which do you like better? E-mail me at and tell me your fav.

Romans in Britain banner 1

Romans in Britain banner 1

Romans in Britain banner 2 for website

Romans in Britain banner 2

So, what do YOU think? Neither are quite what I want, but I like bright, full colour, vs. “graphic-designer muted” which doesn’t work in drawing-in many people. The link, BTW, is


I prob should take them for a walk, but they are calm right now, laying all about me and the desk and besides, like I said, it’s butt-ass cold out. Right now,  Zoey is laying on my foot (it’s a dog thing). Angus, behind, snoring. Zoey’s in the midst of Pon Farr right now, so the two of them are acting like dorks. Ummm, full-colour doggy porn. Oh the joys :-Þ





Gods, this is SO True!! Saw it on a cool website and had to pass it on. BTW, some of you know this is YOU!


Dear Mr. Architect:

Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted. When you bring the blueprints to me, I will make the final decision of what I want. Also, bring me the cost breakdown for each configuration so that I can arbitrarily pick one.

Keep in mind that the house I ultimately choose must cost less than the one I am currently living in. Make sure, however, that you correct all the deficiencies that exist in my current house (the floor of my kitchen vibrates when I walk across it, and the walls don’t have nearly enough insulation in them).

As you design, also keep in mind that I want to keep yearly maintenance costs as low as possible. This should mean the incorporation of extra-cost features like aluminum, vinyl, or composite siding. (If you choose not to specify aluminum, be prepared to explain your decision in detail.)

Please take care that modern design practices and the latest materials are used in construction of the house, as I want it to be a showplace for the most up-to-date ideas and methods. Be alerted, however, that kitchen should be designed to accommodate, among other things, my 1952 Gibson refrigerator.

To insure that you are building the correct house for our entire family, make certain that you contact each of our children, and also our in-laws. My mother-in-law will have very strong feelings about how the house should be designed, since she visits us at least once a year. Make sure that you weigh all of these options carefully and come to the right decision. I, however, retain the right to overrule any choices that you make.

Please don’t bother me with small details right now. Your job is to develop the overall plans for the house: get the big picture. At this time, for example, it is not appropriate to be choosing the color of the carpet. However, keep in mind that my wife likes blue.

Also, do not worry at this time about acquiring the resources to build the house itself. Your first priority is to develop detailed plans and specifications. Once I approve these plans, however, I would expect the house to be under roof within 48 hours.

While you are designing this house specifically for me, keep in mind that sooner or later I will have to sell it to someone else. It therefore should have appeal to a wide variety of potential buyers. Please make sure before you finalize the plans that there is a consensus of the population in my area that they like the features this house has. I advise you to run up and look at my neighbor’s house he constructed last year. We like it a great deal. It has many features that we would also like in our new home, particularly the 75-foot swimming pool. With careful engineering, I believe that you can design this into our new house without impacting the final cost.

Please prepare a complete set of blueprints. It is not necessary at this time to do the real design, since they will be used only for construction bids. Be advised, however, that you will be held accountable for any increase of construction costs as a result of later design changes.

You must be thrilled to be working on as an interesting project as this! To be able to use the latest techniques and materials and to be given such freedom in your designs is something that can’t happen very often. Contact me as soon as possible with your complete ideas and plans.

PS: My wife has just told me that she disagrees with many of the instructions I’ve given you in this letter. As architect, it is your responsibility to resolve these differences. I have tried in the past and have been unable to accomplish this. If you can’t handle this responsibility, I will have to find another architect.

PPS: Perhaps what I need is not a house at all, but a travel trailer. Please advise me as soon as possible if this is the case.

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Life moveth on >>==>


Been a bit… Been doing some solid work on r.Net, getting it back to speed. Our most recent update messed up a lot and we have to manually fix it.

“We” means myself and staff. A new member is Kathy whom I have known since she was born. Literally! I rememberws today, the day she was born (I was like 4) and her Dad driving around handing out cigars 🙂

Anyway, she’s been helping a LOT, keeping me on track and not distracted… She’s learning about websites the real way, by doing.

Other staff coming back and getting things going. Bookstore will be back this weekend. ACW close now… WW2 in process.

Reenactor Consumer Guides also this week. Going to a winows server, so, of COURSE, have to move, can’t just be upgraded. 3 databases, 4 websites, a LOT of email addys to reset >:-0 Ack! Donations going nowhere — sadly, but enough for server. Need to get more to pay programmer to fix some of our site “mods” that the upgrade wiped or deactivated. So much to do…

WWI is soon upon us and many Rekruten are not ready and some alte Hase not either. April 14th to 17th is my time for fun… Twice a year, dat’s wuts ah gets. Gonna try Roman Days in May too.

Comments Off on Snow, Rain and Life

Snow, Rain and Life


Yes, it snowed on me today 😮 Hell, I was wearing shorts… mostly it rained, but the white stuff was not amusing. Actually, if the other volcano in Iceland (Not Eyjafjallajokull, but Hekla) goes off, I’ve read we may have a year without summer. That would SUCK! Of course, it’s all part of global warming… you know, it couldn’t be nature, it HAS to be MAN that caused it by something.

What else?

Lessee… my spare truck which was supposed to go to Kearny tomorrow to have it’s GPS antenna replaced is not on the road because the batteries in the other truck were not charging right and may be bad. We’ll see tomorrow. One driver has moved on to get more hours and another today, is probably out for a long while due to health issues 🙁 Good luck to him.


I am doing a couple of websites right now, which is always good–I need the creative activity or I go nuts and get all in a funk… just how I is. Anyway, the new site, for a Gem and Mineral club in California is coming along well! It’s for one my friend Kim’s clubs (he’s in a number as he loves rocks and storms and disasters, etc.)… I know nothing about rocks, but it seems neat–however, i already have WAY too many hobbies and things that interest me.

I should end this now, my right side (back, hip, arm) are killing me. Drove all day and need to get some rest. Maybe a beer would help. 🙂