So, it is late. My vacation, such that it was, is ended and I need to go to bed. It is also snowing like a MOTHER out there and when last I looked, there was at least 4-5″ on the ground. I detest Winter, I do. I am also DAMNED happy that we had a a few nice days last week so that we could pull all the stuff (well, almost all of it) out of the garage and thus go through so much. Now we can even get to other boxes and walk through the garage!! And, since we can now do this, yay!! I went through 3-4 boxes today, disposing of ruined stuff, old crap, paperwork I don’t need anymore… We’re gonna keep that up. Although, unlike most of the younglings here, we have “stuff,” and will continue to have it.
Trash Day
Another yay! As we have a number of bags this time. All the extra crap from the garage. I bought a bunch of the “extra trash” tags (I sure miss the construction dumpster that was in the neighborhood until a couple months back)… Anyway, been working on office some too. Found my shelves, so will be setting those up! 🙂 Miss my full library and having it in shelves, vs. stacks of books. Wow, all the old Sci-Fi novels I have to re-read. Keeps me from wasting all that money on new books.
Ours is messing up, so we will have to call my friend Steve, from whom we bought it and the washer. Good stuff, older Maytag (not the new garbage, but the older quality ones). Anyway, it is getting too hot and shuts off. Lots of clothes to wash, hard to get dry.
Mine are like my children. But better. No dirty diapers. No hating me because I tell them to do their homework. My one dog doesn’t even chew my shit up anymore. Okay, that’s not quite true–when she get’s pissed at me, she will eat my pillows (hence, they go in the closet when I am not in there) and she will eat up certain books to get attention. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and that describes her fully.
I need to go to bed. Tomorrow will be “fun” as my 4×4 is back in the shop. The new rear-end is making thunks and Dr. Terry wanted it back in to check out and make sure it doesn’t grenade again. I agree! We don’t need that again. He also has a friend who does sandblasting, so it looks like I can get the cancer off the frame. 🙂
Oh well, can you believe, I kinda look forward to getting back in my truck? It was at the main office for over 2 weeks, so I have not had her for almost a month >:-( Lots of electrical problems… she is a former Roadway truck that was leased from (and maintained by) Penske–let’s just say they didn’t do that hot a job… certainly all the wiring on it and her sister trucks is F-ed up! Little short jumpers, etc. Why can’t they just frigging fix shit right? I hate that. Part of what’s wrong w/ America… we all know it… a general malaise and lack of pride in one’s work. Not that many companies theses days give a tinker’s damn about their employees either. Look at the crap in Wisconsin… I may be a conservative, but unions DO have their place. We owe a LOT to unions and whilst many have seemingly went to far, without them, we’d be back working crazy hours for peanuts. And companies SURELY seem to be going back to a place where they think that their workers are slaves, owned by them. We see it in the news every day–don’t have many answers, but I DO think that we need to bring jobs back the f*ck HERE, not outsource them to China or India. Tariffs… why not? Really, why the HELL not? A real reason, not some BS one.
Anyway, enough, I go now.