Archive for the ‘ignorant shitheads’ Category

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Mitt Romney? Loser go away. Don’t go away mad, just… go AWAY!


screw romneyI saw this meme which totally sums it up for me. I vote Republican. If they steal it from Trump, I truly will vote for America’s first lesbian president (if she doesn’t get indicted, but even then her moronic supporters still might vote for her) or an old socialist. At least the old socialist has the right idea on health care.The old queens running the Republican party are seemingly doing their best to destroy that party and drive their former supporters to start a new one. The democrats long ago gave up on being the part of the working man and instead, are now the party of the welfare queens, blm thugs and gay rights activists.

This country is swirling the bowl.

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Health Care


Anyone who knows me, knows I am for a single-payer system. I thought “Okay, now we’ll get health care in this country, even if I don’t like Obama.” Of course, I should have known he and his cronies were more after shaking up and destroying what we had and giving us something much worse — to further us along in his attempts to bring America down to the level of his native Kenya.

I see no good coming out of this and all the problems are only showing it to be what it is, a poorly hatched plan to control people once again. A bad president put in office by people who can’t even understand the issues. It’s like we nee dot pass a law requiring voters to take a test before they can vote. Oh no, that will disenfranchise the stupid, say the liberales. So what, say I. Dumb people shouldn’t get to vote. Learning isn’t hard. Read. “But ah don’ laik me no boooks, theys is full of too many wurdzzz, ah don’ laik me wordzzz.” Which is it in a nutshell. The simpletons survive on a mental diet of American Idol, the Khardasians and Honey Boo-Boo… Ugh.

Sadly, I have no answers EXCEPT making people have to take a test. But, they will object, “I am a citizen.” So what, if you can’t understand the issues, you should not have a say until you do. Learn. Or go back to your simpleton TV shows — people don’t even read anymore. Just quick videos on facebook or the news. Sad.

Comments Off on Ugh. The Post Office

Ugh. The Post Office


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!

No truer words can be spoken about this organization — okay, you can add incompetence and don’t forget the 4-isms of the Post Office:

  • Racism
  • Favoritism
  • Sexism
  • Nepotism

They are the true measure of the P.O. A demoralized workforce, led by a (mostly) incompetent leadership “team.” All the management has started at the bottom, which is WHY it is so bad. Truly good people just do not want to deal with constant flood of bullshit and hassle that is the P.O.

No, I am not making this up, those who have been there can confirm I speak the truth.



Comments Off on Korean War 2

Korean War 2


Well, it sure as shit looks like we might have another war here. Kim Jong Um… a fat little rich kid, and he’s in charge I’d a nation 🙁 his career and grandfather were nuts, but this one is like all the other Gen X punks… he thinks he’s entitled and deserving. What’s going to happen is that hrs going to start a war… one that will probably result in his death, along with the deaths of a LOT of people.

Not anything I can do about it. Just thinking as I write. Eff him…

Comments Off on I hate mixers.

I hate mixers.


Yes, I do. Like dump truck drivers and other constructoid drivers, mixer drivers have this ignorance to them. Showing up next to my housU.e at 7 am… Yeah, one can expect that, but leaving your piece of shit in reverse, so I have to listen to the frigging backup alarm for an hour?? Or occasionally revving up the motor (thus allowing me to discover you are one of those ignorant fucked without a muffler)… that’s plain annoying or worse.hackers like this, wonder why people hate my profession… just a lack of carrying about those around you. Straight pipes on a truck are just like on a Harley… rudeness on purpose. There’s a reason that construction drivers are at the bottom of the driving hierarchy… And yeah, they are. If course though, I consider those aholes in big kenworths, pulling a”covered wagon”to be right up there too. If you ever notice on the road, they’re the ones speeding, tailgating and in general, doing ignorant stuff on the road. Not all mind you, but most.

Anyway, I just want to thank this asshole for this morning’s fine beginning.

Comments Off on I Hate Drama Mamas

I Hate Drama Mamas


People just need to chill the fuck out. They worry about what everyone else does. Some, like a person not to be named, get all worked up over dumb things and semantics. We’ve all worked for bosses that demand respect. Hell, in my company, there are managers who think their title means something… they think they’re important and can mess w/ people’s lives. Of course, then they wonder why they have ultra-high turnover. Hell, even I have a hard itme finding drivers. I hold it together by the skin of my doo dads. Rob Peter to pay Paul… cover the run. One of my “children” constantly complains it’s because we don’t have health insurance, but that’s not all of it. Some say we have a “bad name” around here, but that too, is not all of it. Mainly, people don’t wanna work anymore. “What, work on weekends and holidays? Eff you.” Why the Gubment will give them years of unemployment. They’re entitled. Why should they? AND, w/ the driver shortage, it’s harder and harder. We can’t hire a lot of experienced people due to stuff that happened 10-20 years ago — NO SHIT!!! Pennsylvania is especially bad as they don’t take things off your record after the time unless you petition it off. I had a guy had two tickets in his car, back like in 2001?! And I couldn’t hire him because of those tickets… WTF? All because some lawyer might use it in court about hiring someone who HAD A TICKET 10 YEARS AGO 😮 Soon, they’re gonna have to pay us $50. an hour. Most of these companies try and weasel out by hiring new drivers and training them. Sure, go ahead. Of course, in a couple of our terminals, English IS the second language and guess what their record’s like. Sad. I think we have a good company, but a lot of management just doesn’t get the part about needing to learn about management… it ain’t something you just know. Oh well, ain’t my name in chrome letters on the door. Discouragement is my middle name today.


Comments Off on No more dipshits!

No more dipshits!


Okay, this a good one… hired a guy, older driver, experienced, etc. Anyway, we go through all the crap, get him onboard and he even pulls a run. does a fill-in, but can’t run city as he has no badge yet… is  “sick” Thursday nite when supposed to train. Okay, ran Friday to cover a run and then to train and get badge on Tuesday night. 45 mins before he is too go out, this guy calls and says he’s not gonna take the run. 😮 WTF? Says he doesn’t want to go to NJ, that he doesn’t want to do a 4 hour layover and not get paid (while he’s sleeping, mind you) AND he doesn’t like the idea of having to load and unload the trailer. WTF, WTF, WTF????

Some of the other drivers think one of our drivers scared him away, I don’t know. I do know that I shant hire another person from Huntingdon ever again. Every one of them has screwed us over in some way. I kinda shoulda known when he wanted to meet at the restaurant to do the paperwork, even when I told him that mornings were bad and I had to roll. Some people never get it.

And the day just got worse with an e-mail from the post office… eff this. Let me win the lotto — I’ve paid my dues

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Why do I say that? Well tonite, as Wendy and I came home, what was I greeted by? Well somebody about half a mile away was burning trash and a lot of plastic. Yeah, here, it’s legal. I was shocked when I first moved here to see this, but you can burn about anything here, it seems. Hell, when we first moved here, Driver X and I saw some hillbilly burning a WHOLE MOBILE HOME (insulation and ALL) right by the side of the road. That was NOT unique… I’ve seen it since. Unreal. I am not an “environmental whacko,” but “Damn, really? That’s okay, putting all that plastic fumes in the air? Hell, today there was no wind in the late afternoon so it was just like a blanket… >:-( Just needed to rant. I HATE ignorant scumbags.


Comments Off on Crappy Week…

Crappy Week…


Crap at work ALL week. Just bad. Bad people, bad decisions. (not really by me, but others who should know better). And then, a couple of my more, how shall I say this, “troubled members” decided to leave and so gave “notice.” Cool! Last du nicht die Tür in den Arsch kneifen!!! I sure wish I had the personnel to just cut them loose right Effing now. I especially liked the constantly complaining old one who said “two weeks” notice but is really giving me one. Or the younger new guy who thought that all the older, more senior guys should “give up days” for HIM, so that he’ll get more hours?!? What an idiot. And, since most of the drivers really did not like the old bitching one (who tells the same stories all the time, but w/ different endings each time “I was in a gunfight with a guy. He had a brick of .22 shells and I had my .357 with 13 clips… I had had it re-rifled…” [IDIOT, I am a gun-nut, you are telling a STORY to me that I know is bullshit — they don’t really MAKE .357’s in SEMI-Automatic form you dumbass… or if they do, they are/were fabulously expensive… back in the day when he was talking about, there was like one (1), the Automag, I think it was — try $1000.+ back in the 70’s-80’s. I did by-the-way, ASK what kind it was… “A Colt” says he. D’oh!]) And we have the young one who never really listens to what you tell him (I’m sorry Marsh, I’m sorry. I love my job. Really?!) This guy also thinks that he, as the low man, should get the senior guy’s work hours and TOLD enough of them that they all hate his ass. Well, okay… buh-BYE! Next time I get the ol’ Ahoooga about someone, I will just not hire them. I should mention, I also gave both of these doofuses a job when NO ONE else would hire them. Thanks guys. As my boss tells me: You can bend over BACKWARDS to help drivers and they will turn around and try and fuck you!

Reenactor Dorks

I hate dishonorable back-stabbing snakes. Especially goobers that can’t be bothered to come to events, but will run their mouth (on a keyboard, but not to the person’s face) about someone really honorable. 80 months and I am done w/ this. It ain’t fun anymore. I have met some good people there over the years, but the back stabbers and the sad, small, strange little angry people just take their toll over time. In this case, going on 22 years. I don’t like liars, bullies, back-stabbing snake-fuckers, “drama-mamas” and other just plain unpleasant people. It’s a hobby dumb asses. 🙁


Comments Off on Health Care and some problems

Health Care and some problems


I just read an article on yahoo about Doctors going Bankrupt… It’s craxy, but it’s happening because of our Effed up health care system and our truly HORRIBLE legal system; we need Tort Reform NOW!!! Anyway, here below was my ranting answer about this and I feel it’s true still:

Blame EVERYONE wanting a free ride. Blame ambulance-chaser scumbags who file frivolous lawsuits. Blame scammers. However, it’s back to blaming everyone for greed.

There’s no reason we couldn’t have a good health system. Something “like” the UK, Germany, Canada, France or Switzerland have. Yes, I know, say the doubters… it’s baaaad, but what we have is worse. And the joke called “Obamacare” well sorry, but that is INFINITELY worse.Have an answer? I’m waiting. We don’t need perfect, we just need something that works and won’t really screw us — sorry dumb politician scumbags, but telling me I HAVE to buy insurance is a dumb, A$$HOLE thing for you people to do. If I could afford health insurance now, don’t you idiots think I would? Really Barry? Really???

And no right wing, know-it-all nods and crap, about how I don’t know. SOME kind of socialized medicine might be good, but guess what? It needs to be made to work, not by corrupt scumbags in Congress… nor a bloated bureaucracy that is rife w/ corruption. Last, we need to PUNISH cheaters and thieves… how? Oh, for starters, flogging would be a good way to bring down the number of cheats, thieves and scammers. That and fining them to within an inch of their life. Oh, wait, better, why not sell them into indentured SERVITUDE for a set number of years. LOL, THAT WOULD work too. But you all lack the fortitude to make this happen. You think you are entitled, right?!
