Archive for the ‘lazy shitheads’ Category

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Ugh to people, ugh to the future.


12108220_10153209866136134_7191698313849032629_nToday is one of those days. I am taking a break from work to write. Tired of having friends attack me. I’m tired of people all over. I know I’m not alone in all this. Things are SO expensive and no matter what, it’s all just getting worse. Health care is going nowhere but up. And for what? Getting screwed by these insurance companies. And, everyone is hurting. Young people know nothing different. Thanks Obama and your shithead pals. I am tired of being broke–not even being able to buy stupid things. Hell, today is my anniversary and we can’t go out to eat. Ugh.

As to the future, I just don’t know. I keep buying lotto tickets in the hope of maybe winning. It would be nice to know I could someday retire. Thanks to our glorious leaders for making life in our country worse. And you watch, the dummies in this country, who think they should get crap for free, will elect that scumbag liar Hillary G-Damned Clinton. GO ahead, fools. We’re swirling the bowl now. 🙁

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No more dipshits!


Okay, this a good one… hired a guy, older driver, experienced, etc. Anyway, we go through all the crap, get him onboard and he even pulls a run. does a fill-in, but can’t run city as he has no badge yet… is  “sick” Thursday nite when supposed to train. Okay, ran Friday to cover a run and then to train and get badge on Tuesday night. 45 mins before he is too go out, this guy calls and says he’s not gonna take the run. 😮 WTF? Says he doesn’t want to go to NJ, that he doesn’t want to do a 4 hour layover and not get paid (while he’s sleeping, mind you) AND he doesn’t like the idea of having to load and unload the trailer. WTF, WTF, WTF????

Some of the other drivers think one of our drivers scared him away, I don’t know. I do know that I shant hire another person from Huntingdon ever again. Every one of them has screwed us over in some way. I kinda shoulda known when he wanted to meet at the restaurant to do the paperwork, even when I told him that mornings were bad and I had to roll. Some people never get it.

And the day just got worse with an e-mail from the post office… eff this. Let me win the lotto — I’ve paid my dues

Comments Off on Broken down in Madison

Broken down in Madison


So, the truck that meets me out of Columbus craps yesterday. Losing power… Have driver go to T/A and they say turbo… Company head mechanic has him drive to P.O. and then freight this AM (freight, ick!)… Of course, he messes up and logs in too early: violationD’OH! So, other guy brings me the Mail and I had brought him different tractor to switch out as they (mechs) wanted me to get truck to my shop or even our NJ shop 😮 OF COURSE, on the way back, the truck starts losing power and I am down to 30mph on I-70; no where to pull off. I call and as I get ye olde waffling, I make command decision to stop @ Gary’s truck repair. “Can’t you make it back to Willow Hill?” “Uh, NO!” Says I. “I CANNOT take this truck on the pike” if it were anyone else they might have ordered it… 3-4 beefy hills betwixt here and thar… HELL NO! This could have been fixed yesterday, but nooooooooooooooooo. So here I sit, undoubtedly not getting paid for a breakdown and other’s poor decisions.

Gonna be at least another hour before I leave, as this mech (who quickly diagnosed problem) has to run and get part. Ack. My poor dogs 🙁 Dat be some boolshit, dat be what dat be. Frak!

Wonderfully Sumtin’
So, I am missing a trailer — a nice newish MAIL trailer vs. a freight box. On a dedicated run when some Billy Bob rear ends it and bends the ICC bar. Orders come to get it to Kearny to go to main shop in Maryland… Of course, someone IGNORES el Jefé’s order and starts to use it on untermensch runs. And don’t ya know, it is now missing… We are searching ask post offices, but no trace. Also, it’s satellite tracker appears to have stopped working last march, D’oh! Where o’ where is my trailer? WHY did we wait so long to look for it? Knowing the P.O., they sent it on someone else’s run… Is it stolen? Maybe.

Still Sitting
Gonna be late tonight. 😮 ¡$?,/!$#@%/?!

Did I mention it was snowing today? fortunately not sticking and not really cold just a damp nastiness that sucks the warmth out of your bones and psyche. 🙁 So far, it’s been a decent winter w/little snow and not ass-reamingly cold. Few more weeks until Spring. Ah hates me Winter, ah does.

Comments Off on Don’t Mess with the Ocean…

Don’t Mess with the Ocean…


Wow, it truly DOES seem that history can repeat itself. Well, sorta. Most of us have now heard about the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia hitting a reef and sinking. Okay, not sinking like the Titanic, but rolling over and coming to rest right close to shore. Still there’s been a death toll of 11 so far with 20-some STILL missing. WHY? HOW? Mainly, it looks like, incompetence. The Captain, trying to do something nice, went off course and hit ye olde reef. Ship loses power, dirfts into bay, he drops anchors, Prob does save lives, BUT, is a dumb-ass and a coward and, like most of his officers it seems, abandons the ship BEFORE many of his passengers and crew, even refusing orders from the Italian Coast Guard on scene to go back aboard and help rescue people. Wow! What a black eye for Italy!

Foreign Crew

By “foreign crew” I mean largely Asian (and non-English/Italian/German/French speaking, it seems)… Still, it was people like cooks and stewards who saved the day. Wow, most crew and the officers bugged out. Sorry, isn’t it sort of part of the deal wherein they let you wear the cool uniform and drive the big toys, that YOU have to be the last one off. That YOU have to do your utmost to ensure safety? Whacky! They need to take a big stick and “whack his pee-pee!” I bet that would make people feel better.

Women and Children First?!

Uh no, sadly, unlike the Titanic, in this case, many of the men and crew pushed past the older cruisers and women (even a PREGNANT WOMAN) to get in the boats themselves. And really, big pussies, WHY do you need a life boat? The damned shore is like 50 feet away, AT MOST.


Poor Carnival 🙁

I kind of feel for Carnival, the ships owner. Well, they own the company that owns the ship, so same thing. I really doubt they want this to happen and you KNOW the ambulance-chasers are lining up already. You cannot control people and employees, I have found, do what they want, even with explicit orders. Still, safety is (or should be) their FIRST business. One good thing is Italian law is different and it appears that we won’t have any cases filed HERE by OUR ambulance chasers.

The Captain

I could rant on about this dipshit, but it seems he has stepped on his penis and his life and career are pretty much over. DUMBASS! A: you let it happen. B: You ran away and C: when caught, you REFUSED to go back and help. That makes you an ASSHOLE! At least in my book. I know I am not alone. I need to go to bed.


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Rude people


I hate rude people… Don’t you? The knuckleheads, the arrogant, the know-it-alls… I especially detest the people who decide it’s their way or the highway,  always… Black and white — yes or no. Eff that. I know a few of these types and they truly just hard to be around. What are your thoughts?

Comments Off on Wow! An AA Rating.

Wow! An AA Rating.


Thanks to all the knuckleheads that made that happen. From President Mugabe (Obama) to our corrupt and inefficient Congress ( a bigger repository of thieves, liars and incompetents the world has never known), our nation has been allowed to go down the shitter. For years, by the actions of these self-aggrandizing liars, we have been circling the drain, but now, I feel we are goin’ in.


Our nation has always been one  is epitomized by the Navy SeaBees motto of “can do” but now, we have a whole new credo of “do it for me.” What will we do? Where will we go? I don’t know. I have no children to worry about and i think by the time it really craps out, my wife, my animals and myself will be gone. Sad for my country. Really sad for the world, but you knew the scumbags and power seekers would not let America continue. If you listen to all the chunderheads, you would think that it’s all just bad luck — NO, it was a deliberate choice. Too many idiots who think only of “me.” My friend Joe’s ex-wife is like that, an idiot who believes in Barrack Obama’s vision of socialism — mainly because it will bring this country down to the level of Mexico, where she was born.

I know many others who feel that we should all be equal in that the productive people will give their all and the losers, lazy, non-working, “less-productive” people wil not have to pay. That’s horse shit. This whole thing is a lot of BS and vain posturing. Our “leaders” are not that, they are opportunists and power grabbers. We need laws that say if a politician is convicted of corruption (or downright treason), ten something heinous will happen, say public stoning or impaling, etc. Certainly flogging and other bad things. What say you?

I am too irked and have too much to do today, so will now stop. Think on it gentle readers. Think on WHY we are being sold down the river like this. What can we do? Certainly vote ALL incumbents out. ALL of them. In every election.


Comments Off on Why things are so Effed up!

Why things are so Effed up!


A discussion  on a reenactor list I am on came to this bitlet (my comments and thoughts follow): there has become a mode of dress in reenactment “culture” that is considered acceptable that has absolutely zero congruity with average reality.

It’s the same culture where everyone is “entitled” — where you have all these “heroes” wearing high medals and always having to portray an OFFICER. Neeto, huh!? Well, not really. Go on with your bad self Mr. Mitty! Really, it’s the Xbox mentality. Yep. I am not into Xbox. Hell, I was never into Nintendo or whatever — I stopped caring about video games int he 90’s (except for flight and evyil war sims (U-Boats, Panzers, etc. not Call of Duty). They say the year I was born is considered the last year of the baby boomers. Wow! Then, we had Gen X… Oh joy. Now they call the know-it-all, super wonders  Gen “Y”… I call them Gen “L” for LOSER as that is exactly what most of them are — an like most their age, they are all too good to work: “What, I don’t wanna do that, it will suck. That will take all frigging day.” Or “What, you mean I ain’t starting at $80 grand a year?” Our nation is doomed because so many people wanted their children to have it better, that they ruined them for ever having a work ethic, for ever getting ahead through hard work and effort. Now they all believe that they are entitled to it. Eff this. Again, our nation (and most of the modern world) is doomed!

Xbox — Ruining Children Everywhere

Kill your children’s Xboxes — I mean it! You are doing them NO favor in getting them one of these brain-melters AND for that matter even allowing them to have one. Be a parent, not their “friend.” Make them, GASP, read a book. “Oh my, books, books are icky, there’s be’s no pitchers in ’em. How boring, nothing moves.” In truck driver-ese, I’d say “Shut up stupid!” Don’t agree with me? Fine, go bury your head in the sand you idiot.

Reenacting and Other Hobbies Going in the Shitter

Anyway, that’s why reenacting of ALL time periods is going in the shitter. “What, wear hot, itchy wool? Exert myself? Run?? CRAWL WHERE? Why I am an uhleet hero in my video world…” and Hell, the reenacting world is aging too. Young people don’t want to do this and anyway, it’s too damned expensive for them — like hot rods. Building and running and playing with Hot Rods used to a young man’s sport, now it’s all rich old geezers. When the junky-ass shit that we drove back in high school is now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, something is WRONG. Wrong as two dogs screwing on the White House lawn — on Sunday, in front of the Pope, the First Lady and 16,000 pre-schoolers.

Back to the geezery

Hey Skippy, news flash here: There were no 65-70 year old Waffen-SS privates or Uhleet Army Paratrooopers… in fact, us in our 40’s are WAY too old. >:-o (Marsh is an über a-hole for saying that!!). Sorry guys, there needs to be an end date. It’s sad ad depressing sometimes: Rev War’s average age is like in their 60’s. Silly War, is what, 50’s? WWI and WWII late 40’s…. 🙁 We need new blood. And we need it so new guys can afford this stuff, as we’ve made all the stuff they could afford (like WE used when we started: Swedish and DDR wool, etc.) go away. So now, some decry the Chinese stuff. So what. Want young guys? Make it so they can afford this. You try buying a K98k on McDonald’s wages.

It ain’t gonna happen. Young guys cannot afford $2000. to get into a hobby.  Like Hot Rods, ours will age and the guys who are big in it will be the ones who started young at the beginning and stayed in. Think about that old geezer who has to use a walker in his new Corvette. Why “He’s cool.” is he? Or is it just sad. I have went to car shows and stuff with my brother Jim, he’s into that stuff and even HE is in his mid-40’s (sorry Jim!). Wait, maybe that new stuff they claim will make us all young again will work. Or will we all be young looking old curmudgeons? I dunno. Food for thought and, as always, I welcome your comments.


Comments Off on Is hope lost?

Is hope lost?


Is hope lost? I don’t know. Sometimes I think it is. I see our modern world collapsing, yet I wonder if it is always that way; as you get older, yearning for the past. I don’t yearn for the past per-se, but I just look at it and think it was easier 15, even 10 years ago, with more hope (and even a confidence) that things were going to get better.

Today, I, like most Americans, feel our government has, well if not betrayed us, then failed to do their job, and through their failure (and perhaps a bit of criminal incompetence thrown in there), dug us into a hole of poverty and a decreasing standard of living that I see no relief from.

What can WE as a nation do? I don’t know. I don’t think the left “gets it” yet. Hey, you on the left, it ain’t a blank check in an unlimited account… Somehow we gotta pay for your grand ideas. Now, don’t get me labeled, as I think the Republicans are being just as stupid in their race to slash the budget. Sorry guys, but some social programs NEED to be there. And what happens to people when the unemployment runs out?? It’s all well and good to tell people to “go work at McDonald’s!” (my brother is famous at this) but hey, even McDonald’s isn’t hiring everyone, even WalMart isn’t and… Wally World is now trying to screw all their workers by MAKING most of them go part-time… Nice huh?! Now, why aren’t they cutting their management, of which I am told, they have an abundance.

Anyway, we need jobs here, not in China. Maybe more tariffs ARE the answer. Maybe a REALLY large tax on those companies that “outsource” jobs overseas–make it UNprofitable to do that kind of ignorant shit. WHY wouldn’t people support that? Well, they want cheap stuff of course. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

So, for right now, I’m gonna have to say hope is lost. The dream is dead. :’-0 Hey, why not comment on me blog and tell me WHY I am wrong and WHY I suck… :-Þ

Comments Off on Hoops that they want you to jump through

Hoops that they want you to jump through


Okay, so the wife and I are trying to buy a house–we’ve been living here for 2 years, paying the rent, paying the bills. Are we perfect? No, but they sure make it hard. I make good money and have no debt, other than a dumb student loan I have. Small too. However, it seems they’d rather I were like everyone else my age–$40 THOUSAND DOLLARS deep in credit card debt. No wonder our country is doomed… And look at the scam that is mortgage remod… Holy sheepshit Margaret, what a rip-off–just a way to generate fees from the desperate >:-0

Anyway, I am just now, not comfortable in my own home, not fun. My animals are my children… Oh, did I mention I have the most unpleasant neighbors I’ve had in my life…

I worry about where my industry is headed… The PO is WAY far in debt and is cutting stuff into the bone…Not good. Hey, let’s break faith w/ our employees and vendors, some advocate… No honor, no loyalty… When some company comes along w these two things, methinks they will be snowed under w/apps!

And when I look at our nation, I really worry–everyone feels “entitled and “special” — what Pferdescheiße! If we don’t get after it, if we don’t knuckle down, we are doomed.

Comments Off on Late and tired

Late and tired


Well, finally, I’m off. For a work party and now it seems that everyone in my unit is going to cheese. Oh joy. And of course, at work, we have dumb people thinking they “know” and who will be finding out that they can be replaced and though they think they have me over a barrel, as soon as something happens, they are going bye-bye. And ya know what… not even me being an asshole; said idiot has fucked up enough to be fired. I’m done protecting people here. I’m done, really, worrying about some people.

As for tomorrow, well, I hope some who said they’d come, will. I don’t have a lot of faith.

And of course, she who must not be mentioned just HAS to poke the toad.