Archive for the ‘Scumbags’ Category

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Mitt Romney? Loser go away. Don’t go away mad, just… go AWAY!


screw romneyI saw this meme which totally sums it up for me. I vote Republican. If they steal it from Trump, I truly will vote for America’s first lesbian president (if she doesn’t get indicted, but even then her moronic supporters still might vote for her) or an old socialist. At least the old socialist has the right idea on health care.The old queens running the Republican party are seemingly doing their best to destroy that party and drive their former supporters to start a new one. The democrats long ago gave up on being the part of the working man and instead, are now the party of the welfare queens, blm thugs and gay rights activists.

This country is swirling the bowl.

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Spammers and other unhappy stuff


Why do spammers try and post on my blog? I have it set so all content has to be approved. Now, for some reason my FRIENDS can’t seem to even post and yet these scum get to? WTF? Same on my website(s) — we actively keep them out. I dunno, I think the penalty for spammers should be a cattle prod applied to the nether regions.


Well, I see they’ve reached a deal after weeks of posturing and people getting hurt. Of anger and strife. The “leaders” of our country and no better than children. It use dto be you could count onthe right to act responsibly and it was the Democrats who would act like spastic children — now BOTH do this. A bad congress and a bad president. Ugh.

Comments Off on No more dipshits!

No more dipshits!


Okay, this a good one… hired a guy, older driver, experienced, etc. Anyway, we go through all the crap, get him onboard and he even pulls a run. does a fill-in, but can’t run city as he has no badge yet… is  “sick” Thursday nite when supposed to train. Okay, ran Friday to cover a run and then to train and get badge on Tuesday night. 45 mins before he is too go out, this guy calls and says he’s not gonna take the run. 😮 WTF? Says he doesn’t want to go to NJ, that he doesn’t want to do a 4 hour layover and not get paid (while he’s sleeping, mind you) AND he doesn’t like the idea of having to load and unload the trailer. WTF, WTF, WTF????

Some of the other drivers think one of our drivers scared him away, I don’t know. I do know that I shant hire another person from Huntingdon ever again. Every one of them has screwed us over in some way. I kinda shoulda known when he wanted to meet at the restaurant to do the paperwork, even when I told him that mornings were bad and I had to roll. Some people never get it.

And the day just got worse with an e-mail from the post office… eff this. Let me win the lotto — I’ve paid my dues

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Why do I say that? Well tonite, as Wendy and I came home, what was I greeted by? Well somebody about half a mile away was burning trash and a lot of plastic. Yeah, here, it’s legal. I was shocked when I first moved here to see this, but you can burn about anything here, it seems. Hell, when we first moved here, Driver X and I saw some hillbilly burning a WHOLE MOBILE HOME (insulation and ALL) right by the side of the road. That was NOT unique… I’ve seen it since. Unreal. I am not an “environmental whacko,” but “Damn, really? That’s okay, putting all that plastic fumes in the air? Hell, today there was no wind in the late afternoon so it was just like a blanket… >:-( Just needed to rant. I HATE ignorant scumbags.


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Hacked, we were.


In the world, there are good people and bad. I think most people are probably good. And some of them are on the edge, but… the bad ones, they need to go. Why DON’T we cane people for being ignorant scumbags? Caning works. Do you think people spit on the streets in Singapore? Much less vandalize things? Well, maybe once. If you’ve ever watched the videos of someone being caned, you would realize just what a deterrent it is. Go look here and tell me that would be fun. Anyway, I think we need to cane frigging hackers and not just slap their wrists and give them a job in security. I am sure they don’t see it that way, but hey, tell me that to my face, not hiding on the Internet, behind a keyboard.


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Ice, BS, Life (not neccesarily in that order)


So, we now haul freight on some runs. One of my former runs was a on-way Mail route (one of the P.O.’s grand “genius” ideas) and now, after many years, we are hauling freight back. NOT even my run anymore… And sure, I understand it. Makes sense, but alas, they (guys now managing it) have no one there and ends up, MY guys have to deliver it >:-( My one guy normally can do it, he likes it and the money (he’s ALL ABOUT MONEY), but on Mondays, he’s off. EVERYONE needs a day off. Everyone. My two relief drivers don’t want to do it because:

  1. They’re both over 70 years old
  2. The other day, my young driver had to unload furniture (not to happen again)
  3. They get paid differently than on Mail… less as they don’t get the health and welfare part that Mail pays.
  4. Did I say they were both over 70? 74 and 73…

Now, both of these older guys also don’t like each other and feud like my two dogs, wildly mad over some perceived insult or that one might get away with more than the other. What they don’t get is that this WILL happen and since they won’t help w/ the freight, then they WILL alternate on Sunday so my young driver can be off. Not a “maybe” or a “might” a “WILL DO.” Ya gotta love people.

Don’t get me wrong, these guys are both really good guys, hard workers etc. but they have this perception of the job and unfortunately, that job has changed 🙁 Not my fault, not my desire, but we have to deal w/ it. Still, their feuding is going to end up costing one or the other, their job. I don’t think they realize just how hard that will be. In today’s world, most companies will not hire older workers. My Dad had to deal w/ this after he retired. They don’t say it, but companies will not hire older workers. Age discrimination does exist. Here, we have them, they do a good job. Mainly because these runs are low intensity. I doubt it would work on one of my NJ runs at night, w/ a 3-4 hour layover. Those are rough on younger guys. I don’t have a solution, other than trying to explain to them. AND, if one quits, the other will have to take up the slack. What about when the younger guy goes on vacation?? SOMEONE will have to do the freight. Maybe rotate and do in AM other guy do Mail in afternoon, I don’t know.

Why Freight Hauling Sucks Shit

I detest freight. Delivery places treat drivers like shit “You’ll have to wait 4 hours” and shit like that. In our case, the answer is “We have a Mail run after this — if you won’t unload, we are leaving and you can reschedule your product another day.” Hasn’t quite come to that harsh an answer, but it’s there. All y’all wonder WHY there are so many truck accidents — this is part of it, shippers delaying drivers (most of whom get paid by the MILE, vs. by the hour) and the drivers trying to get caught up. Also, they not only don’t usually get paid while they’re cooling their heels at these places, they also are “on duty” which means they HAVE to log off 14 hours form the time they logged on, no matter how man hours they have driven, nor even if they’ve had a 4 hour nap. No. 14 hours, off duty. Used to be you could take and push your time out w/ a break but stupid, dumb-ass politicians and lawyers and dumb mothers-against-truckers_driving or whatever screwed that up. Hell, get this: for teams, you used to be able to do 5 and 5 forever. Worked well — 5 hours and you were off. Guess what… NOW you have to drive 10-11 hours before that can happen. Pretty bright huh? These are the dumbshits that are causing accidents and killing people. Know-it-all (well, know-NOTHING) “experts” get it wrong EVERY time. They pass laws, then there are huge court cases over this. Why can’t there be any common sense? WHY? Anyway, this is why the industry is screwed. Worse than that because there is already a driver shortage and it’s getting worse. Plus the new CSA system is weeding out scumbag drivers and there is no replacement. Young people are not coming into the industry. Old shitty, big, mongo freight hauling companies (whom I will not mention here) take new people and work the shit out of them, paying them peanuts to live on the road — not coming home, but MAYBE once a week, IF they are lucky. New people don’t want that — they want a life. Companies don’t care. Really, they act like they do, but the answer from “on-high” is “If they don’t like it here, get rid of ’em.” Sure. Where will we find another driver? This ain’t the ’80’s. The driver shortage is real and getting worse – good drivers can pick and choose and ya know what, they are increasingly picking not to drive for scumbag companies. C’est La Vie!

The Good News

Driver wages will surely go up as these companies will not be able to hire drivers to run stuff. Even w/ hiring new drivers, their accident rates will go up, as will maintenance costs. D’OH! I foresee a time not to far off where drivers will be making $50. an hour and owner operators, maybe $100. — well they should. Sure, your groceries will cost more. Got a better solution? Drivers deserve health benefits too. Cheating them on their pay is getting harder too with on-board log and monitoring computers (though they still find ways to do this) and someday, maybe trucking will be a decent profession again.


Yeah…. today, is freezing rain. Gott sei DANK it happened today, on my day off. What a mess. A kid spun out and got stuck right by my house. His buddies were trying to pull him out w/ an ATV, but that didn’t work. I wandered over looked and went and got Blue. They had a come along and w/ that, I had her in 4-lo and didn’t even gun it, just tightened up the cable and out he came. Peoples done wonders why ah gots me a foah wheel drives now. :-p

Trips Today and Saturday’s Unpleasantneß

Current weather radar

Current weather radar (1.23.2012 -- Happy Birthday Erin and Ericka!)

I have one run out and going. I am sure they will salt the Pike and highways. The snow sure made things out of whack — mainly out in the Midwest. They were all WAY late the other night, then when it got rolling, there was a neat tanker accident right into Pennsyltuckey. Finally getting all those runs straight.

Anyway, here, to the left, is a radar from my phone a little bit ago. Sorry the text here touches the caption frame, but I couldn’t figure out how to rem that. Ever the A-R layout dork, I am! 🙁 So… it looks mainly just rain, so he’ll probably be alright. We hope. Now, I know, someone is going “But Marsh, you are an evyil, icky bastard to send out trips in this weather.” My answer is: “Doofus, ‘Through rain, through sleet, through dark of night’ AIN’T a marketing gimmick… it’s what we do.” How the HELL do you think you get your Mail on time? Fed Ex and “Buster Brown” (UPS) do it too. Don’t be naive.

Tech Thought

As a side note: ain’t technology grand? I love the weather radar on my phone and Weatherbug seems to do it really well. Okay, the ads kinda suck, but I have read their “pro” version is real buggy, so I will stay with this one. Koonta seems to like Weather Channel, but I haven’t had the joy with it.

Damn, it’s almost 2PM, where did my ONE day off this week go? I am not counting the day I had my tooth yanked as that was not particularly fun. Days off should be lounging around in the official uniform of the Internet (your underwear) and surfing or web building or facebooking or… whatever. Damn, wish I had money for a pizza (ha-HA, I could make ANOTHER driver go out in this weather).


Comments Off on Don’t Mess with the Ocean…

Don’t Mess with the Ocean…


Wow, it truly DOES seem that history can repeat itself. Well, sorta. Most of us have now heard about the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia hitting a reef and sinking. Okay, not sinking like the Titanic, but rolling over and coming to rest right close to shore. Still there’s been a death toll of 11 so far with 20-some STILL missing. WHY? HOW? Mainly, it looks like, incompetence. The Captain, trying to do something nice, went off course and hit ye olde reef. Ship loses power, dirfts into bay, he drops anchors, Prob does save lives, BUT, is a dumb-ass and a coward and, like most of his officers it seems, abandons the ship BEFORE many of his passengers and crew, even refusing orders from the Italian Coast Guard on scene to go back aboard and help rescue people. Wow! What a black eye for Italy!

Foreign Crew

By “foreign crew” I mean largely Asian (and non-English/Italian/German/French speaking, it seems)… Still, it was people like cooks and stewards who saved the day. Wow, most crew and the officers bugged out. Sorry, isn’t it sort of part of the deal wherein they let you wear the cool uniform and drive the big toys, that YOU have to be the last one off. That YOU have to do your utmost to ensure safety? Whacky! They need to take a big stick and “whack his pee-pee!” I bet that would make people feel better.

Women and Children First?!

Uh no, sadly, unlike the Titanic, in this case, many of the men and crew pushed past the older cruisers and women (even a PREGNANT WOMAN) to get in the boats themselves. And really, big pussies, WHY do you need a life boat? The damned shore is like 50 feet away, AT MOST.


Poor Carnival 🙁

I kind of feel for Carnival, the ships owner. Well, they own the company that owns the ship, so same thing. I really doubt they want this to happen and you KNOW the ambulance-chasers are lining up already. You cannot control people and employees, I have found, do what they want, even with explicit orders. Still, safety is (or should be) their FIRST business. One good thing is Italian law is different and it appears that we won’t have any cases filed HERE by OUR ambulance chasers.

The Captain

I could rant on about this dipshit, but it seems he has stepped on his penis and his life and career are pretty much over. DUMBASS! A: you let it happen. B: You ran away and C: when caught, you REFUSED to go back and help. That makes you an ASSHOLE! At least in my book. I know I am not alone. I need to go to bed.


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Free the House!


Well, last night it finally happened. I was able to get out of the old place. Now don’t get me wrong. I loved a lot of that house. It was open and neat, weird angles, light, etc. But… it had NO storage. Nada. The dryer vent had a run of over 25′ and my neighbor had a bird get in there and die — their house reeked of rotting dead bird for weeks. That was just sloppy design! The back bedrooms had NO ventilation. In the summer you ROASTED in there — I think, they felt they were for kids and “who cares?” or something. I bought a window A/C unit this summer — made it bearable.

I watched them put up a whole lot of these townhouses and for the most part, they just threw them up. The newer ones have all the neat stuff stripped out. I think the first few sets (like ours was) were done back before the housing crash and they added some neat stuff, wood floors, nice tile work, neat angles, kitchens, etc. but this was all offset by shitty workers. I say this because this winter, I took a number of handfuls of tile, wood, construction debris out of the master bath floor vent. How did it get there? Lazy and sloppy workers… Wasn’t the only thing. One neighbor’s toilet froze solid. One place had mice already when they moved in. Another (the ones w/ the dead bird) had a leaky master bath shower… the ceiling in the foyer was all rotted out. Neato huh? There’s more, but not now. Not worth my time to type it…

Still, it was a good house and we might have bought it except for a couple of things 1. the landlord wanted like $30.k more than it was worth and worse, our neighbors (whom I have chronicled before and call (like all on that block) “The SHITHEADS”). These people are from Philly. They live for drama. Really. Just nasty and rude. They smoke like chimneys all day and the smoke would usually waft over to our porch — nasty! Sure love being gassed out by this nasty crap and it made it so my wife couldn’t go outside there. No, I will not miss “Dick” and “Lina” — no, not at all. My dog has more common sense in the tip of his penis than these two do in their entire beings. I despise people like this. Whatever, like my mother-in-law says “Don’t look back.” I am not. I will miss my tree — the only ones not dead on the whole block because, GASP!, we water and fed them. Something the hillbillies could not understand “Whut, ya mean ya WATER yer grass and that tree???!?” Anyway, this is my “closure.” 🙂

I am finally calming down… not having to feel guilty because I’m not over there packing and cleaning before the looming deadline. Well, it’s done and I’m out. Wanna bet the landlord will try and stiff us out of our deposit? I am told he doesn’t like to return them. We’ll see. I am not perfect, but that place was okay. Anyway got home tonight, took the Wifial-Unit to Wally World, then came home and took stuff out of bedroom one and unpacked, rearranged, etc. From full to door to pretty empty room. Then hung some stuff in my room/office. Looks strangely the same, yet different because I hung much of the stuff in the same relative areas. Works for me.

Messed w/ Mac side of computer… imported all my iTunes crap — that works better for me here in PC world. Must be because that’s where I started it. Got it all back going. 🙂 Even got my music that I d/l-ed on my old laptop to re-download. Awesome! This computer is a joy to work on… music, FAST, fun again. AND… the damned Internet actually works here. At the old place, I never hardly had more than a dial-up speed, yet paid Embarq/Century Link for DSL… I think it was the phone lines in the town house there — they never all worked. Hell, that worked better at our old place in Ft. Loudon and that was built in the early 50’s I think. Anyway, core I5… 8gb ram, Win 7 pro, Mac Snow Leopard, etc. Setup for dual monitors. Yay!!!!

Anyway, time for bed. Late on my Friday night. Too much going on at work for tonight…


Comments Off on A Couple More Days

A Couple More Days


Ack, it’s hard. Going over and busting it out, but really, most is done. A few more car loads. Actually, prob about 2 pick up loads. I am off tomorrow, thanks to Terry, and plan to finish it up. Need to clean some carpets, get more “magic erasers” (them things sure ’nuff work!!!) and need about 6-8 small u-haul boxes. I WILL get it. I can taste the freedom. However comma, I have been SO sore, every morning. Ack! Wendy’s sick and I feel for her, however, I feel for my right knee WAY more.

Hell, once I get this crap done, I can mow my lawn without guilt. Start working on the garage to find missing stuff (satellite dish receiver for my bedroom and dvd player). Oh yeah. Walk the dogs. Not have to sweat going back over. And of course, it’s sad and depressing a bit — we planned on buying that place. If only he hadn’t wanted $30k more than it was worth. AND, of course, if we hadn’t had the absolute neighbors form a bad Christmas movie, the ones we (and all the other neighbors) call “The SHITHEADS.” Eff them. I am about free and won’t have to deal w/ ignorant people who think MY yard is a common area (like some Philly ghetto apartment complex). Oh well. My dawgses like it here too. Better stuff to smell and the occasional horse to bark at (They’re space aliens don’t you know?!).

I won’t go into the ignorant hillbilly who works for me that sent the big boss a letter — like he thought he’d get ME in trouble… ALl he did was screw over a guy who had found another job and try to get another one fired. Soon, the letter will be in my hands to post for all to see… There are really only two people who could have written it and this dumbass wrote it by hand… D’OH! I detest back-stabbing snake f*ckers…

Back to my computer drudgery which doesn’t go away.


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Got house!


Yay! We just closed on our new home!! Look left. And… we’re soon to be all gone from the nice looking, but ghetto-people-filled neighborhood we live in. One of my neighbors who moved out, called it the nicest trailer park he’d ever lived in. Not fair, as I’ve lived in trailer parks before and they were nice. Our neighbor’s on the one side just suck! As in ignorant, flies buzzin’ around their face suck. Fine, soon I shall never see their sorry asses again. ’nuff said about them. Oh yeah… “vile” works.

Anyway, now we just gotta move our stuff. 🙁 Of COURSE, right during hurricane Irene… And being short a driver at work. Still, I have until Sept. 30… I have a company that helped me before — Mr. Moves out of York, PA… Awesome workers, reasonable prices, no bullshit. Gotta pack though and wife’s health is AFU. 🙁 Just gonna take time — come home from work and friggin’ pack… Did that shit last move and it blew!

Being a homeowner IS cool though and when my brother Jim asked if I had made “carpet angels” I had to admit “yes.” :-p

Of course, Lowes got the fridge handles wrong, but they were cool and ordered new ones and then loaned us some stainless ones until our black handles come in. Oh, and dumbass me on first trip over, I missed a step and landed right on the knee I crunched slipping on truck… D’oh! Dat done be a hurtin’ still now.

Please excuse any typos, I’m writing this on my cell out in front of Wally World… Starting to rain pretty good…  Hey, at least it will water my new grass! Needs it, been dry here — not back-home, Cali dry, but for Pennsyltuckey, it’s been bad. For a bit, they’d throw a cig out the windah of the car and stuff would catch fire. Duh!

Some good news, I have a great new programmer who has gotten the Reenactor Consumer Guide (RCG) going. It had a LOT of bad code that wasn’t allowing it to work. Microsoft ASP really sucks!! Anyway, it’s working at BTW, we have now made it “all-era” vs. just WW1 and the orignal WW2 version. What is this thing? Well, it’s a place for reenactin’ folk to review their experiences, good AND bad with vendors servicing the hobby… Give it a look! It sure helped straighten up some shady dealers in WW2 reenacting (and made a couple of the real bad ones go away!)