Archive for the ‘Dirtbags’ Category

Comments Off on Mitt Romney? Loser go away. Don’t go away mad, just… go AWAY!

Mitt Romney? Loser go away. Don’t go away mad, just… go AWAY!


screw romneyI saw this meme which totally sums it up for me. I vote Republican. If they steal it from Trump, I truly will vote for America’s first lesbian president (if she doesn’t get indicted, but even then her moronic supporters still might vote for her) or an old socialist. At least the old socialist has the right idea on health care.The old queens running the Republican party are seemingly doing their best to destroy that party and drive their former supporters to start a new one. The democrats long ago gave up on being the part of the working man and instead, are now the party of the welfare queens, blm thugs and gay rights activists.

This country is swirling the bowl.

Comments Off on Snakes of the World

Snakes of the World


Isn’t it interesting how people are? Polite to your face or when they want something, but as soon as they don’t need you anymore, well, that goes away. I dunno, just maybe I’m tired of angry, unhappy people. People who hold grudges for YEARS. Ugh. Sad and it kind of makes you a bit ill. Or not. Just a thought.

Comments Off on Korean War 2

Korean War 2


Well, it sure as shit looks like we might have another war here. Kim Jong Um… a fat little rich kid, and he’s in charge I’d a nation 🙁 his career and grandfather were nuts, but this one is like all the other Gen X punks… he thinks he’s entitled and deserving. What’s going to happen is that hrs going to start a war… one that will probably result in his death, along with the deaths of a LOT of people.

Not anything I can do about it. Just thinking as I write. Eff him…

Comments Off on No more dipshits!

No more dipshits!


Okay, this a good one… hired a guy, older driver, experienced, etc. Anyway, we go through all the crap, get him onboard and he even pulls a run. does a fill-in, but can’t run city as he has no badge yet… is  “sick” Thursday nite when supposed to train. Okay, ran Friday to cover a run and then to train and get badge on Tuesday night. 45 mins before he is too go out, this guy calls and says he’s not gonna take the run. 😮 WTF? Says he doesn’t want to go to NJ, that he doesn’t want to do a 4 hour layover and not get paid (while he’s sleeping, mind you) AND he doesn’t like the idea of having to load and unload the trailer. WTF, WTF, WTF????

Some of the other drivers think one of our drivers scared him away, I don’t know. I do know that I shant hire another person from Huntingdon ever again. Every one of them has screwed us over in some way. I kinda shoulda known when he wanted to meet at the restaurant to do the paperwork, even when I told him that mornings were bad and I had to roll. Some people never get it.

And the day just got worse with an e-mail from the post office… eff this. Let me win the lotto — I’ve paid my dues

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Why do I say that? Well tonite, as Wendy and I came home, what was I greeted by? Well somebody about half a mile away was burning trash and a lot of plastic. Yeah, here, it’s legal. I was shocked when I first moved here to see this, but you can burn about anything here, it seems. Hell, when we first moved here, Driver X and I saw some hillbilly burning a WHOLE MOBILE HOME (insulation and ALL) right by the side of the road. That was NOT unique… I’ve seen it since. Unreal. I am not an “environmental whacko,” but “Damn, really? That’s okay, putting all that plastic fumes in the air? Hell, today there was no wind in the late afternoon so it was just like a blanket… >:-( Just needed to rant. I HATE ignorant scumbags.


Comments Off on Crappy Week…

Crappy Week…


Crap at work ALL week. Just bad. Bad people, bad decisions. (not really by me, but others who should know better). And then, a couple of my more, how shall I say this, “troubled members” decided to leave and so gave “notice.” Cool! Last du nicht die Tür in den Arsch kneifen!!! I sure wish I had the personnel to just cut them loose right Effing now. I especially liked the constantly complaining old one who said “two weeks” notice but is really giving me one. Or the younger new guy who thought that all the older, more senior guys should “give up days” for HIM, so that he’ll get more hours?!? What an idiot. And, since most of the drivers really did not like the old bitching one (who tells the same stories all the time, but w/ different endings each time “I was in a gunfight with a guy. He had a brick of .22 shells and I had my .357 with 13 clips… I had had it re-rifled…” [IDIOT, I am a gun-nut, you are telling a STORY to me that I know is bullshit — they don’t really MAKE .357’s in SEMI-Automatic form you dumbass… or if they do, they are/were fabulously expensive… back in the day when he was talking about, there was like one (1), the Automag, I think it was — try $1000.+ back in the 70’s-80’s. I did by-the-way, ASK what kind it was… “A Colt” says he. D’oh!]) And we have the young one who never really listens to what you tell him (I’m sorry Marsh, I’m sorry. I love my job. Really?!) This guy also thinks that he, as the low man, should get the senior guy’s work hours and TOLD enough of them that they all hate his ass. Well, okay… buh-BYE! Next time I get the ol’ Ahoooga about someone, I will just not hire them. I should mention, I also gave both of these doofuses a job when NO ONE else would hire them. Thanks guys. As my boss tells me: You can bend over BACKWARDS to help drivers and they will turn around and try and fuck you!

Reenactor Dorks

I hate dishonorable back-stabbing snakes. Especially goobers that can’t be bothered to come to events, but will run their mouth (on a keyboard, but not to the person’s face) about someone really honorable. 80 months and I am done w/ this. It ain’t fun anymore. I have met some good people there over the years, but the back stabbers and the sad, small, strange little angry people just take their toll over time. In this case, going on 22 years. I don’t like liars, bullies, back-stabbing snake-fuckers, “drama-mamas” and other just plain unpleasant people. It’s a hobby dumb asses. 🙁


Comments Off on Don’t you hate how some people act?

Don’t you hate how some people act?


I get irritated at people who willfully try and cheat me. Especially when they then sit there and pretend they are doing nothing. Gotta love it. Anyway, it’s just a minor morning irritation. They’ll get theirs in the end. I don’t mean at some ethereal point int he afterlife, either. I prefer Haydukian Intervention.

Today’s the Day

Going today to get my bad tooth out! No, i do not like dentists — they freak me out. Much of it comes, as I have already said, from having braces as a child. I doubt they’ve improved the process, but back then it was worse. I HATED going to the orthodontist and while I am sure they all have the best intentions, I KNOW I didn’t have that bad of teeth. My parents were trying to do something good for me. However, I can tell you it, it was years of mouth pain and it has created the situation of me not going to the dentist unless I have to.

Anyway, this tooth will get yanked out today. 🙂 Maybe then I can get on w/ life. W/ this, often, it’s all I can think of. Owwwww.

RIB (Romans in Britain) — Visit it!

What can I say, it’s a good resource and I hope you’ll visit it. I find the Romans SO interesting because it was so long ago. So much we just don’t know. Give the site a look and if there’s something we need to add or do, etc. PLEASE, let us know. We will be updating things as we go. Right now, we are STILL trying to convert all the old pages to the new template — so much work. Worth it. Enjoy.

Comments Off on Don’t Mess with the Ocean…

Don’t Mess with the Ocean…


Wow, it truly DOES seem that history can repeat itself. Well, sorta. Most of us have now heard about the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia hitting a reef and sinking. Okay, not sinking like the Titanic, but rolling over and coming to rest right close to shore. Still there’s been a death toll of 11 so far with 20-some STILL missing. WHY? HOW? Mainly, it looks like, incompetence. The Captain, trying to do something nice, went off course and hit ye olde reef. Ship loses power, dirfts into bay, he drops anchors, Prob does save lives, BUT, is a dumb-ass and a coward and, like most of his officers it seems, abandons the ship BEFORE many of his passengers and crew, even refusing orders from the Italian Coast Guard on scene to go back aboard and help rescue people. Wow! What a black eye for Italy!

Foreign Crew

By “foreign crew” I mean largely Asian (and non-English/Italian/German/French speaking, it seems)… Still, it was people like cooks and stewards who saved the day. Wow, most crew and the officers bugged out. Sorry, isn’t it sort of part of the deal wherein they let you wear the cool uniform and drive the big toys, that YOU have to be the last one off. That YOU have to do your utmost to ensure safety? Whacky! They need to take a big stick and “whack his pee-pee!” I bet that would make people feel better.

Women and Children First?!

Uh no, sadly, unlike the Titanic, in this case, many of the men and crew pushed past the older cruisers and women (even a PREGNANT WOMAN) to get in the boats themselves. And really, big pussies, WHY do you need a life boat? The damned shore is like 50 feet away, AT MOST.


Poor Carnival 🙁

I kind of feel for Carnival, the ships owner. Well, they own the company that owns the ship, so same thing. I really doubt they want this to happen and you KNOW the ambulance-chasers are lining up already. You cannot control people and employees, I have found, do what they want, even with explicit orders. Still, safety is (or should be) their FIRST business. One good thing is Italian law is different and it appears that we won’t have any cases filed HERE by OUR ambulance chasers.

The Captain

I could rant on about this dipshit, but it seems he has stepped on his penis and his life and career are pretty much over. DUMBASS! A: you let it happen. B: You ran away and C: when caught, you REFUSED to go back and help. That makes you an ASSHOLE! At least in my book. I know I am not alone. I need to go to bed.


Comments Off on Dont you just get tired of BS?

Dont you just get tired of BS?


I hate people who think they’re better than everyone else. That they know more, or better. That they know better than YOU and should therefore decide what IS BEST FOR YOU.

Hobby politics are bad. They are stupid bad and if you throw money into the mix, well people will do the most dishonorable shit. They will stab their best friend in the back, throw their mom under the bus. Its sad, and disgusting too.

Comments Off on Another week almost gone.

Another week almost gone.


Well, where are we?

I still need to mow my lawn. It’s been raining and even though I tried to get up early this AM, it was too wet w/ dew to mow. I guess I will have to wait until Monday and do it then. Supposed to be nice until then.

On The Landlord (ex) Front

As I predicted, he is trying to keep the deposit. First it was “Well, you broke your lease.” When I asked his assistant “How?” she said, we didn’t stay long enough… I pointed out that we moved in in Nov. 2008 and it was a 2 year lease. “Hmmm”, says she, “you’re right. I’ll have to ask him.” Now the new bullshit lie “reason” I can’t have my deposit back is that the lease went to a year’s lease after we stayed past the 2 year mark?! I am gonna dig the lease out and look, but if so, how disingenuous. You would basically have to move out on the anniversary of your move in. I wonder if that’s even legal? IF he does manage to screw me, well, I WILL review it all, naming names and everything that happened w/ him and while there on the ‘Net. Perhaps that sounds dumb, but I know people check them out and a realtor w/ bad reviews is not good. I have acted in good faith through this. I even cleaned the house really good — which I WOULD NOT HAVE BOTHERED WITH if I knew he was really going to try and stiff me like this. Someone I know in the Real Estate biz told me about a good lawyer to check with. I don’t like bullies. Again, I have dealt w/ this in good faith. This guy even told his assistant that the house “Looked pretty good.” Marvy. Gimme ma money.

 On the work front

Had a guy go take his drug test today. Talked to another, but he needs his DOT Physical… can’t even interview him until then. Came home to find 2 more prospects — will call them tomorrow! 🙂 I need, really, at least 1½ drivers. One full time and a part=time fill-in guy. AND, I need a guy who will run every Saturday night, as my one driver says he will run every layover if he can be off Sat night so that he may attend the Temple of Jesús… Weez is a beez tryin’. The letter write thing is still there. Everyone is pissed because now they can’t get days off because one driver got fired over it. Well, not fired, he was part time, not allowed to use him, is a better term. Sad. Getting ready to ramp up for X-Mas Rush 😮 I detest Christmas in the P.O. — just makes you nasty. You would too if you were there.

‘Nuff said tonite. Ende