Archive for January, 2010

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I need a motivation.


I do, I need a motivation! I am tired of things. I am tired of not having my life anymore. I am tired of being in debt AGAIN every time I get it out.

I am tired of the grind of work, and no, it isn’t that hard and yes, I have a great run. It just gets old. I hope something new comes along in the contracts department. I’d like to go somewhere different.

A vacation would be nice–I’ve not had one in about 10 years. Not a real one. It’d be nice to be free for a bit, not knowing that I will have to be back on in a day or so.

Financial freedom, now that would be nice wouldn’t it? Contrary to what they say, it’s hard to get. Much smarter people than myself have tried and failed.

For things to work out, well, sometimes they do, often not. Why is that? I know I am not alone in asking this question.

So my head hurts. So what, others have it far worse than I do. I just need a break. I do.

And you can’t really depend on most people, can you? They are usually only there if they want to be. Some are different, but most, well they’re in it for their wants and needs.

I dunno, I need to stop. I just am hurting today and don’t function well when I have a headache like this.

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A cough it is


A dry cough and at each cough, my head feels like it shall explode. Damn it, I don’t wanna be sick–hell, I even got a flu shot. Anyway, soon, I am for bed. I have to feed me doggies… I’m late w/ that. Drank a bynch of vicks 44… it was only a minor help, and now I am loopier than normal.

Watched a movie w/ the wifial unit… Bride Wars or something like that; usually I like that kind of shit, but it had a high suck factor. Oh well, off to feed the beasties and then to collapse in my chambers for the night. Damn it’s cold. And ya know what, I musta picked up a ton of dog shit from the yard–means the dogs are like me, full of shit.

Outta here.

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The New Year


Am I alone in being tired of how the “civilized” governments pussyfoot around terrorist scumbags? I mean look, they are nothing but cowards–in war, you go up against men, not children and women. Okay, now we have women in combat, but still, they’re trained. A terrorist, well he goes after the weak and unprotected–he doesn’t have the cojones to fight real soldiers, but instead, like any bully, targets the weak.

So, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, both groups of cowards. Why don’t the governments mention this more? I mean ram it home so even their families have to see it. And really, when we catch one or kill him and get a body… feed this scumbags body to pigs so he doesn’t get to go to “paradise.” Oh, I’m such a un-enlightened bad person, right?! Now, it has been suggested before and if you look at snopes on this subject, you’ll see those liberal dickweeds have something eelse to say… have ya noticed how snopes has really taken to being a liberal wanker website!? 🙁

Pirates in the Gulf
I have an answer here to. In WWI and WWII the British had a great way to deal with German surface raiders; they armed merchant ships (called “Q-Ships”) with nice, big guns and crewed them w/ Royal Navy sailors. When the lightly armed German ship (doesn’t take much to knock off merchies) showed up and started shooting, well the Royal Navy dropped the deck house walls and other camouflaged areas of the ship and proceeded to blow the living shit out of the raiders. Guess what happened… yes, my pap-fed, M-TV watchin’ liberale friends, the German Raiders went away. We could EASILY do this in the Gulf and make “Q-Ships” of our own. Fake tankers, freighters, sailing yachts… etc. All crewed with Navy SEALS and Marines. After our Navy and Marines blow the shit out of a few of these shitheads, this kind of thing will stop. Once Habib finds that there is a damn good chance he will get greased, instead of getting a big ransom, well then perhaps this crap will stop. Come on Barry, do something!

Oh well, enough for the night. Not like anyone reads this stuff. Most are too busy watching drivel like American Idol or some other TV crap…