Archive for January, 2011

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Scumbags and What We should Do with Them…


I’ll rant about the scumbags and such. I used this in a post on Facebook and then decided it was so apropos to our modern life that I would write more on it… I then decided to post it here, on my blog.

Scumbags You ever get where you just hate people, especially incompetent, lazy, dumb ass people… There are the mean ones, the rude ones, the inconsiderate ones… ever watch the reality jail shows? Kent and I were watching one and we both commented “WHY are we paying for these people? Just put them down!” They’ve killed, robbed, etc. Many are so f-ed up and violent and asocial that they will NEVER be let out. I am sorry, but if you kill someone in COLD BLOOD, you do not deserve to live and WHY should I have to pay for you to live on? And I don’t mean someone that comes in and finds his wife in the sack w/ someone and shoots one or both. I do not mean where someone heinously screws another over and in a fit of blind rage the dumbass gets shot. I mean where someone plans to kill or callously kill someone for the thrill or insane serial killers, etc. In C-O-L-D  B-L-O-O-D… just put them down. “No, you cannot “find Jesus” and be absolved of your sins. Well, maybe in the next life, not in this one.

People You Know

You know, we should just take some people and sterilize them right off the bat–we already know how they’ll turn out. Others, well we wait, and they’ll prove they shouldn’t reproduce. And face it, there are people we all knew in high school (and earlier) who we KNEW were totally f-ed up and should have been sent in to the “dentist” for “essential dental work” wherein they would “have to be sedated” and then, well, if it were Kaiser Marshall I, they would just not wake up… no fuss, no muss, no crying appeals from their mother on TV. No last meals, no nothing… They just don’t wake up. Buh-BYE! Yeah, we all know some like this… people who should just not be allowed to live.

It Won’t

It won’t happen though because we, as a Nation, have lost our momentum and our drive and everything that made us unique. We’ve lost our way. We’ve lost our morals. We’ve even lost our Nation (well, it’s close now). And now, we all buy all our stuff from China WalMart… “Made in the USA” is just a slogan that some mouth… very few actually follow that. My friends Kriss and Donna do in their business and in life… few others I know do.


My brother rants about tariffs… how come we can’t have them? How come Mr. President? How come Congress? How come? How come we can’t start making shit here again? How come? Why can’t we punish companies that outsource to the third world? “Oh no… we’re a global economy.” they tell us. Oh BULLSHIT! Sayeth I. Can I have an “Amen!” ?? More than one or two? Will YOU look at a lbel or three to see where stuff is made? Will you?

I’m gonna stop now. My wife is bitching that I need to go buy her some ice (don’t ask) and so, I need to get all bundled back up to go out and drive to Rutter’s. The ice is probably made in China too. Waugh!


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T/A truck stops and WHY I hate them…


As a driver, over the years I have had to go to many truck stops… I remember the first T/A I went to, the one in Jessup, MD… It was a smelly shithole then, w/ rude employees and guess what? 25 years later it still is. It reeks of cigarettes and stinky, unwashed truck drivers to this day.

Today (this evening actually), I am stuck getting a tire fixed at the T/A in Breezewood, PA… When I went in there was a long line of mutanty and disgruntled drivers waiting to get crap fixed… One guy at the counter (of course) and a bunch of freaky-looking drivers wandering around the “trucker’s store.” And after I finally get to the window and get a shop door assignment, then I have to change doors and then go get more info… Then I’m sitting here and OF COURSE, they can’t repair the tire (6 out of 8 times at T/A when getting tires repaired)…

So, we sit… Ringing phones, dazed looking drivers. But now it’s done… Damned happy I don’t live on the road… Joy is filling me at the idea of leaving the truck stop. 🙂

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Stoßtrupp 1917 from IHF


Oh holy sheepshit Margaret!! It’s a BEAUTIFUL copy… Clear and detailed… With subtitles (meaning I can actually, really get what they are saying).

Stoßtrupp 1917 is the final part of the “Holy Trinity” of WWI German videos and, I think, the crown jewel.

Lavishly filmed using real Wehrmacht Soldiers and SA men. Real munitions were used in the filming… That Schrapnel hitting the water ain’t CGI Buckey! And SO clear… The first private video that I can see clearly. It is a “must-see” for any German reenactor. It is SO much better than “All Quiet on the Western Front” or “Westfront 1918″… This movie is pretty awesome and I cannot recommended it enough!!

Here is the description from IHF (whom you should buy this movie from)…

Uneasy lies the countryside beneath the stench of war. Stosstrupp 1917 (Shock Troop 1917) is the story of the steel hurricane known as the Great War, told from the German perspective. Lewis Milestone’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) had been fiercely pacifistic, and G. W. Pabst’s Westfront 1918 (1930) no less so, but while Hans Zoberlein’s equally lavish Stosstrupp 1917 is also antiwar, it is more sympathetic to Germany’s trench-warfare ordeal. All Quiet on the Western Front and Westfront 1918 are universally hailed as the two greatest First World War films ever produced, based as much on the astonishingly mobile cinematography of Arthur Edeson and Fritz Arno Wagner as on their masterly direction. Regrettable is the omission of Stosstrupp 1917 from this pantheon, for its cinematography by Karl Hasselmann is as uniformly dazzling.
An enormous box-office hit upon its release on 20 February 1934, Stosstrupp 1917 was based on director Zoberlein’s own war memoirs, Der Glaube an Deutschland, to which Adolf Hitler contributed a foreword; was financed by the National Socialist government; and featured Wehrmacht and SA troops in its cast, which make its invisibility since 1945 more readily comprehensible. The picture has been banned in Germany since the end of the Nazi era. Prints that have circulated since then have been heavily censored and run less than 90 minutes, removing militaristic dialogue and diluting the film’s impact and painstaking realism; many of its pyrotechnics, for instance, were produced with real ammunition and explosives. The present release restores 21 minutes of missing footage. Directed by Hans Zöberlein, Franz Adam, Marian Kolb, and L. Schmid-Wildy. Starring Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Possenbacher.

Anyway, this movie is WAY better than the other two movies mentioned. Ack! You HAVE to watch it. Oh wait, that’s if you’re a historian or WWI reenactor–if you’re just some American Idol-watchin’ shallow, sheeple, no, you probably won’t like it. I don’t care, I do.

Uneasy lies the countryside beneath the stench of war. Stosstrupp 1917 (Shock Troop 1917) is the story of the steel hurricane known as the Great War, told from the German perspective. Lewis Milestone’s All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) had been fiercely pacifistic, and G. W. Pabst’s Westfront 1918 (1930) no less so, but while Hans Zoberlein’s equally lavish Stosstrupp 1917 is also antiwar, it is more sympathetic to Germany’s trench-warfare ordeal. All Quiet on the Western Front and Westfront 1918 are universally hailed as the two greatest First World War films ever produced, based as much on the astonishingly mobile cinematography of Arthur Edeson and Fritz Arno Wagner as on their masterly direction. Regrettable is the omission of Stosstrupp 1917 from this pantheon, for its cinematography by Karl Hasselmann is as uniformly dazzling. An enormous box-office hit upon its release on 20 February 1934, Stosstrupp 1917 was based on director Zoberlein’s own war memoirs, Der Glaube an Deutschland, to which Adolf Hitler contributed a foreword; was financed by the National Socialist government; and featured Wehrmacht and SA troops in its cast, which make its invisibility since 1945 more readily comprehensible. The picture has been banned in Germany since the end of the Nazi era. Prints that have circulated since then have been heavily censored and run less than 90 minutes, removing militaristic dialogue and diluting the film’s impact and painstaking realism; many of its pyrotechnics, for instance, were produced with real ammunition and explosives. The present release restores 21 minutes of missing footage. Directed by Hans Zöberlein, Franz Adam, Marian Kolb, and L. Schmid-Wildy. Starring Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Possenbacher.
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Some thoughts on movie


So, watching the new Nanny McPhee… W/ surround it’s a bit much and the damned thing has NO captions >:-0
A cacophony of noise and I can’t frigging hear the dialog… (I know, aahoooogha, geez alert, aahoooooga!) This movie is NOT nearly as good as the first one. Too flighty and like it has to impart “messages” etc. Don’t waste your $$.

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I care too much.


I do. I care too much about my drivers. I look out for them because, well I feel that “leaders LEAD” and supervisors supervise. I KNOW for a FACT that if you look out for people and take care of them, they WILL (for the vast majority) in turn, look out for you. I know that my drivers are more than a number and lo, I try to let them know they are appreciated. I also try and look out for the company and take a dim view of those who would squander what we have. Alas, I think I am outnumbered there.

Anyway, I am done bloviating on work. I am too stressed out and it’s affecting my health… it has given me (years ago) high blood pressure and diabetes from the stress. A goodly part of that stress is looking out for my drivers, hence my stress. Anyway, away…

Personal Cell Phone

I got a new phone in the 2 year deal, and I WANTED an iPhone, but Verizon kept lying about it and my Blackberry was f-ing up constantly. Of COURSE, as soon as I bought a Samsung Fascinate, those pricks at Verizon came out w/ their iPhone deal. Wankers! No, I don’t want an ATT personal phone, I have one for work and the service BLOWS… “Less bars in more places.” Still, w/ Verizon, I can never forget they used to be the hated Bell Atlantic and before that, C&P Telephone. I DETESTED Bell Atlantic as they were wankers when they had a monopoly… when we got to choose, why, they were so nice then… Anyway, the phone is different and appears customizable. Will play w/ it and see.

A New High

I sure wish I could smoke weed. I need to calm down. Maybe I will try the Miley Cyrus route and try smoking cinnamon with a hookah… I can see it now… Safety/Authority type: “Mr. Wise, we have found traces of CINNAMON in your urine, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?” Me: “Uhh, I had a friggin’ bagel!?” LOL! That ought to throw a wrench in the bean counter’s works.


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My dog….


She’s just like a woman… Jealous and spiteful… I JUST got this phone and before I could even read the damned thing, she frigging shreds it. WTF? I have never been so mad at her. She got her ass beat [I have to clarify that, as my wife seems to think I actually “beat” her. I smacked her ass. That’s what i do. Not super hard. Often just lightly because she hates that more than if I DID do it hard. The wife has been telling her Yenta friends on the Internet that I BEAT my dogs. Ugh. Pretty bad when they go back through my blog from almost 4 years back. Yentas, just because someone says something is a certain way, doesn’t mean it is.] and that makes three things in last couple days she’s eaten. >:-0