Archive for November, 2015

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It’s been one of those days. Basically started with angus dying this morning. Talked a lot to my brother… I believe I WILL get my concealed-carry. Was at Gander Mountain looking at pistoles. Yes, I have some, but not really for this. I think I found one, a Smith & Wesson in .40 cal. Single stack. Fit well. We’ll see.

Stopped by Ft. Chambers Gun shop; Man! Some nice new models and some nice originals too. A truly GREAT place and some great deals. Nice people to deal with.

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RIP Angus Blue 6.12.2003—11.18.2015


angus1Angus passed this morning. I was hoping that the course of meds for his Lyme would make him better, but something happened. He had a seizure or a stroke.  He was pacing around and panting all night. I was up w/ him most of the night and I fell sleep around 6 and at 8:30, when I woke up, he was gone.

It’s sad, Angus was a good dog–he loved everyone and was a pretty mellow dog. I’m going ot miss him a lot more than I would any person.

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Richmond today


Soon to warp out of here today to go to Richmond and see if I can get some more people who have fallen off the wagon, back to using the computer. Also, a couple are having severe problems. We have a number, most of which seem to be install issues. Oh well, packing up me laptop and all. Putting on my mental armor to deal with a couple of people who are way negative. Sad. Determined to get this fixed.

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A GREAT place to do business!

Photo of transom lettering on Hotspur

Awesome transom lettering by

I don’t often rave, but in this case, I will! I had this business, make some transom lettering for Hotspur and I HAVE to recommend it to my friends and readers. I am so happy, in fact, that I am going to be ordering new registration numbers for her; the old ones having faded and now look bad. Anyway, here, again is the transom lettering for my boat… Damn good job, GREAT PRICE and really easy to apply! You cannot go wrong here.

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Poor Angus!


He was having a lot of trouble walking and some other issues. When we got to the vet’s Dr. Ludwig diagnosed him with Lyme disease. He’s now on a 28 day course and then after that, will get vaccinated for it. Got some pain pills and also a shot. He’s already on glucosamine for his joints. I think he’s feeling better–might just be the shot.

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A nice day!


Beautiful!! Took Zoey for a walk around the neighborhood. Only had one dog start to come out. Went around the lower retention pond and noticed some inbreds had been driving down there. Gotta love it. Anyway, Zoey seemd to like it, finding duck/goose crap to eat a couple times before I could stop her. Joy.

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Today, we are all Parisians.

Today, we are all Parisians.

Scores killed in Paris terror attacks at six separate sites

That headline says it all. These cowardly sand monkeys. I hope the French feed their corpses to pigs. We should do this to ALL terrorists. All isis… Feed them to pigs so they won’t get to “paradise.”

I am sorry, but how can ANYONE condone this kind of thing? It is a sickness that must be eradicated. And those who support them or sympathize with these scum should also be punished. The Romans didn’t have such things because they had no tolerance for such shit. We should do like Crassus did and crucify or impale each terrorist caught and then feed their remains to pigs. I will say it again we should do this to EACH terrorist and this will stop.

The Soviets knew how to stop this shit and I’m guessing Putin remembers it. Read this article from 1986″

Hostages? No Problem Soviets Offer ‘How-to’ Lesson In Kidnapping

Posted: January 15, 1986

Are you among those frustrated Americans who have wondered how the Soviet Union’s only hostage crisis in Lebanon was resolved in just a month, while the plight of the six U.S. hostages held there continues to drag on without any break in sight?

Well, according to the Jerusalem Post, the Soviets turned the trick by forgoing diplomacy in favor of a brutally more direct approach to the problem. Simply put, they presented the kidnappers with chilling proof that terror can cut both ways. Literally!

The crisis began last Sept. 30, you might recall, when four attaches from the Soviet Embassy were kidnapped in Beirut by Muslim extremists. Western news agencies received individual photos of the four men that same night, each with an automatic pistol pressed against his head.

The photos were accompanied by a note from a hitherto unknown group calling itself the Islamic Liberation Organization. The message warned that the four Soviet captives would be executed, one by one, unless Moscow pressured pro- Syrian militiamen to cease shelling positions held by the pro-Iranian fundamentalist militia in Lebanon’s northern port city of Tripoli.

Although the Soviets attempted to open some channel for negotiations with the kidnappers, there was no immediate let-up in the shelling at Tripoli. Only two days after the kidnappings, the body of one of the four kidnapped men, a 30-year-old consular secretary named Arkady Katov, was found, shot through the head, on a Beirut trash dump. Apparently, that’s when the Soviets dropped the idea of sweet talk and turned the matter over to the KGB.

Less than four weeks later, the three remaining hostages were freed on foot only 150 yards from the Soviet Embassy. The pro-Syrian daily Al Sharq credited their release to the clandestine efforts of Brig. Gen. Ghazi Kanaan, the chief of intelligence for Syrian forces in Lebanon. Western journalists reported that the kidnappers were forced to free the hostages because a block-to-block search by pro-Syrian militiamen was closing in on them. But it wasn’t until last week that Jerusalem Post diplomatic correspondent Benny Morris uncovered the most compelling reason why the three Soviets were released, emaciated and tired, but otherwise unharmed.

According to Morris, the KBG determined the kidnapping to be the work of the Shiite Muslim group known as Hezbollah, or Party of God. This was the same radical pro-Iranian faction that figured so belligerently in the mass hostage-taking from the TWA airliner at Beirut Airport last June. Unlike the approach the United States used to resolve the TWA crisis, however, the Soviets did not bother negotiating with Hezbollah through Nabih Berri, Lebanon’s justice minister and leader of the Shiite Amal militia. Instead, the KGB kidnapped a man they knew to be a close relative of a prominent Hezbollah leader. They then castrated him and sent the severed organs to the Hezbollah official, before dispatching the unfortunate kinsman with a bullet in the brain. In addition to presenting him with this grisly proof of their seriousness, the KGB operatives also advised the Hezbollah leader that they knew the identities of other close relatives of his, and that he could expect more such packages if the three Soviet diplomats were not freed immediately.

The message was a lot more extreme than Ronald Reagan’s vague allusions to using “Rambo next time,” but the swift release of the three remaining hostages indicated that the Hezbollah big shot couldn’t handle having terror shoved back in his face.

Post reporter Morris quoted unidentified observers in Jerusalem as noting: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things – they don’t talk. “And this is the language the Hezbollah understand.”

And it will still work today. This is the ONLY language these scum understand. And yes, liberals will say I’m extreme… I’m not.

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Hotspur be her name


I should mention more about her. She’s a 1978 Catalina 22–the most popular and most built sailboat of all time. For me, she’s perfect. No more ass-reaming marina fees. She’s on a trailer, rigged. Great! In great shape other than a few small things that I have been fixing. Keel bolts this weekend. Anyway, this boat brings me joy. Yeah, I have had some people call her a “little dinghy” but so what… it’s what I want. I’m tired of people who think I should do what they want or do things the way THEY want. Every time in my life that I have went against my instinct, I got burned. Nah, I’m happy doing things my way and in the manner I think should be. And no, I am not talking about doing things willy-nilly. I like things done properly. Anyway, if I don’t, my brother Jim will never let me hear the end of it.

Hotspur 10-2015

Hotspur 10-2015

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November 2015… Gray and Windy

Name on my boat

Her name….

It’s cold and windy today. Tomorrow, I have a Yacht Club work party. Yes, I belong to a yacht club. Not blue blazers and white pants, but some nice people and place to use my boat. You didn’t know, yes, I got a Catalina 22 by selling some guns. I had too many anyway. I like sailing and after the fiasco of the last boat, I swore I would never have a boat that wasn’t on a trailer again.

I got it near the end of summer and by the time I got some seriously needed repairs, I got to use it once, for an hour. Was still fun. THAT probably wouldn’t have happened if I had crawled under and really examined the keel bolts more closely… Out of four, one was loose, allowing the hanger to dip down and one was missing 😮 Ordered new bolts THAT night from Catalina Direct, but it took the P.O. literally 10 days from time of shipping to get them to me. That’s crazy, and the tracking didn’t work after acceptance, but I know what that means, one of the drunkards at the West Sacramento post office didn’t scan the outbound. As I have been there and worked out of there extensively, I can almost tell you who it was. I remember this one bozo, when they were issued new scanners, throwing it up in the air and going “oops.” This is why the PO has problems.

Anyway, tomorrow after the work party is done, I will put a timber under the keel and use a bottle jack to lift it a bit. Then I will replace the bolts one at a time (comes with lock washers and locktite). I need a torque wrench though. Hmmmmm. Might just snug them up until I can borrow or rent a wrench. I really would like to get it square on the trailer, but… that would involve ME getting in the water and it’s getting butt-assed cold. We shall see. What I need are chest waders. More stuff to do.

Anyway, the boat brings me joy and the worst day working on it, is STILL better than the best day at work. And really, I don’t have people always unhappy about it, like you get in reenacting–well, except for my wife who doesn’t like boats. C’est La Vie!

Sorry for the lack of updates, often I just don’t feel like blogging. Not much else going on. Lost some weight over summer where I was, literally, driving 15-16 hours a day. My pickup is in Ohio getting a 5 speed. No more dealing with automatics that crap out… the last one after 21k miles with the hillbilly who did it (the “BEST” guy in the area) telling me “I’d like to help you, but I’m not going to eat it.” I will tell every person who asks not to use this guy. What else? Angus not doing so well.. getting old and fragile.