I wasted a bunch of time adding ads… only to find a simple link box I added did WAAAAY better. Guess what I added to my main page :-0 I am not impressed w/ this crap. Tomorrow better do better. For that matter, my Amazon sales have went WAY down 🙁 WTF?! I get good traffic dammit — DAMN good!!
On other fronts
I have a cat laying on my chest and shoulder. I find I do my best work when “encatted” vs. when dogs are here. I don’t know why. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, I just think better w/ cats.
It’s getting hot. My yahoo weather widget says “rain” but it ain’t. Oh well, I do like rain better though. Soon enough it will be steamy, butt-ass hot here 🙁 I like Fall best. Winter, the least.
I also need to get some $ together to pay for my bill at the marina :-0 Looks like I have a web prospect or two!! That’s cool and I am grateful for the work! I really like to do new stuff (rather than fight my OLD stuff)… bad me! This website conversion is going slow. I expected it, it’s just that it’s tedious. 🙁 Will probably move the Civil War section to the Portal next, as I am finding that interesting. Rob and Harry were going to do WWII, so I’m not going to do it if they are — I know they wish to make some changes to it.
On a health note
I am feeling better. Think I am gaining the weight back though 🙁 Need to remember my night drugs here… Wendy’s didn’t do my “old people pill case” so I have it all together. It’s Hell getting old.
It was around 90 degrees here today and certainly in the 80’s with even more warming tomorrow.
Spring is sprung,
The moon is riz,
I wonder where da fellows is.