Frak! It didn’t work!


I wasted a bunch of time adding ads… only to find a simple link box I added did WAAAAY better. Guess what I added to my main page :-0 I am not impressed w/ this crap. Tomorrow better do better. For that matter, my Amazon sales have went WAY down 🙁 WTF?! I get good traffic dammit — DAMN good!!

On other fronts
I have a cat laying on my chest and shoulder. I find I do my best work when “encatted” vs. when dogs are here. I don’t know why. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, I just think better w/ cats.

It’s getting hot. My yahoo weather widget says “rain” but it ain’t. Oh well, I do like rain better though. Soon enough it will be steamy, butt-ass hot here 🙁 I like Fall best. Winter, the least.

I also need to get some $ together to pay for my bill at the marina :-0 Looks like I have a web prospect or two!! That’s cool and I am grateful for the work! I really like to do new stuff (rather than fight my OLD stuff)… bad me! This website conversion is going slow. I expected it, it’s just that it’s tedious. 🙁 Will probably move the Civil War section to the Portal next, as I am finding that interesting. Rob and Harry were going to do WWII, so I’m not going to do it if they are — I know they wish to make some changes to it.

On a health note
I am feeling better. Think I am gaining the weight back though 🙁 Need to remember my night drugs here… Wendy’s didn’t do my “old people pill case” so I have it all together. It’s Hell getting old.

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One Response to “Frak! It didn’t work!”

  1. Kimmer says:

    It was around 90 degrees here today and certainly in the 80’s with even more warming tomorrow.

    Spring is sprung,
    The moon is riz,
    I wonder where da fellows is.